I say:
"I am not getting that shot, thank you."
and the corpsman says:
"Roger that sir."
At least that is the way it worked in the squadron when our "Baby Doc" was giving all of the shots. Now that I am on shore duty, they keep a list of who has had it and who has not. I finally got tired of them calling and saying that I had to get it, so I went in and told them that I was not going to get it. The HM2 IDC asked why, and I explained it to him. Then he got the instruction and we talked about the difference between "shall" and "should". It was not an argument really, just a talk.
I thought that I might have to give my reasons to a doctor, but he just decided to mark me off the list and sign my record as having gotten the shot. I'll probably do the same song and dance next year, but I don't care. I am not getting the fucking thing until I am in my late 50's or some other reason pops up.
If I deploy, I will probably not fight it because I understand the rational of getting everyone ready for anything. I would not want to infect my buddies just because I am stubborn. I will sit my happy ass at home until I am over the side effects though.