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Registered User
I'm joining the Canadian Airforce and have to do an evaluation on a "computerized moving base simulator." Do Navy Candidates go threw this too, and does anyone have any advice?



Registered User
Courtney, the navy does not use any kind of simulator evaluation as part of its application. Although I've read that the ASTB (aviation selection test battery) is being retooled so it can be given with a computer as oposed to its current paper and pencil form. From what I understand, the new computerized version will include a hand/eye coordination and reaction time measurments. However, the new version won't be ready for another couple of years.

Wish I had some advice for you.

Best of luck.


Registered User
I just completed the U.S. Navy and Air Force flight program. The Air Force has a visual, motion-oriented flight simulator. The Navy, who has less funding, has just a motion simulator. Neither, in the U.S. system, has any bearing on being selected for flight training. We are still in the "paper" phase of deciding whether a candidate has the "right stuff" to become an aviator. On a side note, I served in a U.S. Marine Corps squadron that had a Canadian Air Force Captain as an aircraft commander. I am new KC-130 co-pilot, my wife is Canadian, and I am very interested in opportunities for U.S. pilots to serve in Canada in the C-130. Any information would be highly appreciated. My Email is mcbride_t_m@prodigy.net. Cheers.


Registered User
I really don't know anything about U.S. pilots serving in Canada on the C-130. I'm just entering the AirForce. If I hear anything, I'll be sure to e-mail it to you. Thanks for the info,

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