I went to Juniors in 2002 and we got little sleep. We had to square away our gear at night. Taps was 2200, revile at 0500.
Seniors in 2004 was totally different. Taps was at 2100, and we had more time to square away our gear during the day. I got more sleep in seniors than I did in Juniors. It was Ass-backwards, but it didn't bother me.
Week 4 of seniors is ball breaker. I got like 8 hours of sleep from libbo to libbo that week. One night, for example, we had taps at 2100, everyone got up at 2130 to square away gear, and reville was at 1200. (Yes, I do mean 3 hours after taps) I had firewatch from 2200 to 2300. I deserved it, due to a screw up on my behalf, but I was still wore out by the time the week was over.