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Smokey Bear hats

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Hey, I heard a rumor that SIs no longer wear the smokey bear hats. Can anybody from 185 confirm (or deny) this? Not an important question, just a matter of curiosity.


PLC Jrs 1st Inc. Kilo-3
I heard they're not being called SI's anymore, rather Gunnery Sgts. I dunno...


OCS staff haven't been wearing smokeys for quite awhile. I went in 2001, and they weren't wearing them then.


New Member
From what I was told, there is now a Plt Sgt, and two.....people who get called by their rank. Lots of new stuff about OCS came out of the last MOI conference-extra hour of sleep every night, the whole no Sgt Instructor thing, changed the frequency/distance of humps (I think there are less but longer, but that could be wrong). Supposedly the new CO wants to avoid people getting hurt in the last half of training. I know, I know...you don't even have to say it.


Im not going to lie.. Crowbar, your Avatar looks BAD ASS!!! But... I think the Strong Bad one was a whole lot cooler!!!! LOL!!! :)
Since asking the question, I have heard that the primary reason for ditching the smokies was to kill the idea that OCS is like boot camp. Here is a good article on that topic (I think it has been posted before).


Personally, I doubt it matters that much. I'm sure that the "Plt Sgt, and two..... people who get called by their rank" can still make life hell when they want to. As far as the rest, does anybody actually think that OCS is getting soft? I am not so masochistic as to want a tougher time at OCS, but it is obviously important for the Corps to keep up its high istandard. The worst thing that could happen to the world would be a kinder, gentler Marine Corps.


Former my a**!

jamesd said:
Personally, I doubt it matters that much. I'm sure that the "Plt Sgt, and two..... people who get called by their rank" can still make life hell when they want to.
Agreed! Whether they can bend and thrust you or not, they're still a**holes one way or another! :(

They keep referring to the sergeant instructors as former drill instructors, YEAH RIGHT! The persona is still there! :eek:

If they [sergeant instructors] didn't have the DI persona at OCS, then my feet probably wouldn't have been so cold on the plane to Reagan Washington National airport on the way to OCS.

They should knock that "former" trash off.


New Member
USMCBebop said:
Agreed! Whether they can bend and thrust you or not, they're still a**holes one way or another! :(

They keep referring to the sergeant instructors as former drill instructors, YEAH RIGHT! The persona is still there! :eek:

If they [sergeant instructors] didn't have the DI persona at OCS, then my feet probably wouldn't have been so cold on the plane to Reagan Washington National airport on the way to OCS.

They should knock that "former" trash off.

The question is are they still DI's at heart. Some are, some aren't. (This applies only to Golf Company, I can't speak for the others).
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