New Member
Hello all,
First post here...I was a non-select for SNA/NFO on the June board. I plan to reapply in September, but I'm worried I'm getting too old to make this happen. I turn 27 next April.
Assuming I were to be pro-rec'd in September; is there any way I could get a final select and start OCS by January? It sounds like 6 months from pro-rec to OCS is about the norm. Does the Navy ever fast track the pro-rec to OCS timeline for those of us nearing the age cutoff?
On another note, what does it take to qualify for a prior service age waiver? I've attended Marine OCS, but was dropped following an injury. My recruiter seems to think that may qualify me for the waiver, but I find it hard to believe 6 weeks at OCS makes me a prior...
Thanks for any insight you can provide.
First post here...I was a non-select for SNA/NFO on the June board. I plan to reapply in September, but I'm worried I'm getting too old to make this happen. I turn 27 next April.
Assuming I were to be pro-rec'd in September; is there any way I could get a final select and start OCS by January? It sounds like 6 months from pro-rec to OCS is about the norm. Does the Navy ever fast track the pro-rec to OCS timeline for those of us nearing the age cutoff?
On another note, what does it take to qualify for a prior service age waiver? I've attended Marine OCS, but was dropped following an injury. My recruiter seems to think that may qualify me for the waiver, but I find it hard to believe 6 weeks at OCS makes me a prior...
Thanks for any insight you can provide.