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Like JoshDavid I found out yesterday that I'm Pro-Rec'd for SNFO... I'm certain it hasn't sunk in yet... I managed to get picked up my first time which amazes me... I spent 8 years as an AT in the Navy and am 27 and was thinking that all would work against me... Anyway.. guess not... I have been calling everyone I can think of to put out the good word... this one thing is the only thing I've wanted since I was like 4 and I saw the blues for the first time.. now here it is... I'm in shock... I can't wait to get this thing started... I've been in craporate america for 7 months now and it's about to drive me out of my mind... I need to get back to where the world makes sense... In the Navy.... Anyway.. Thanks to this site.. I picked up tons of good gouge on here... Hopefully I'll be able to pick up more in the future..