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So honestly, how do the OCC instructors...


Registered User
How do they really treat prior enlisted? I've heard that they are harder on them. I just want to know what to expect.



Registered User
When I went through they had a secret fondness for former/current enlisted. We had an MM1 in our class who was submarine qualified. They weren't quite as harsh on him though they did make fun of the "porpoise **** on his porpoises" and as an E-6 he was equivalent to the SSGT DIs. But that may have changed these days.
In my husbands case (recent OCS grad), he thought they were a little harder on him, or should I say expected more from him. I think they know your background and expect a little more from the priors walking in the door. Point blank you are all equal no matter what, but from my husbands experience the DI's somewhat expected the priors to stand up to the line in certain occasions. These are only my husbands take on HIS experiences. He had a lot of respect for his DI...even though he beat him a few times:)


Hangar Four
SMARTI said:
How do they really treat prior enlisted? I've heard that they are harder on them. I just want to know what to expect.


All the priors I know were expected to do more, and to teach everyone else what they should be doing so when someone messed up it was not only their fault but also the priors...


New Member
Don't go into OCS expecting any special treatment. If you know a little more than the person next to you, help him out. If an "off the street" guy doesn't know how to do the basics, they will probably catch less heat than if prior who doesn't know how. And if you still smell like the depot, don't call yourself a prior.


Hangar Four
Richthofen said:
Would I be screwed if I'm am prior enlist from "other" branch?(ie: Army) :::Fear:::

No, but you might get ragged a bit...like was said earlier don't go expecting special treatment, good or bad...


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
You are also going to be given one of the first billets that come around. Since you have prior military expirence they figure you can hop in there without as many problems as those with no military expirence. Down side to that is you wont get to see everyone else do the billet and learn from them. Plus side ... could get some billets out of the way early. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Richthofen said:
Would I be screwed if I'm am prior enlist from "other" branch?(ie: Army) :::Fear:::

No, but if you keep saying stuff like ":::Fear:::" you will probably catch hell.

Break, Break:

Bottom line: What is the point of this question?

If they said "Yes, as a prior they will treat you 1,000x times worse", would it change anything? Would it help you prepare?

I know those of us who haven't been to OCS ask all kinds of questions because "knowing" will somehow replace the tension of still having to go, but honestly I don't think this question is going to help you out much. No matter what the responses are, it won't change anything.


Dean of Students
Thye're going to expect more from you, especially early on in the training cycle. Expect to be asked at which depot you trained. If they were at PI they'll blow you a little $hit if you trained in SanDiego and vice versa. All the SI's have been there and they may even know your DI's from Recruit Training. Hell, both times I went there was at least one candidate in my platoon who'd had one of our staff members as a hat at boot camp (that's an interesting dynamic).

Just show up ready to perform and you'll be fine. Also, don't act like your $hit doesn't stink just because you've "been there". Life will be hard if you do.


He'll dazzle you with terms like "Code Red."
It definitely can cut both ways. In some respects they may seem easier on priors early on in the training cycle because they're spending most of their time correcting non-prior candidates on things that the priors already know. However, they're going to expect more out of you in many respects, such as the early billets that were mentioned earlier. Also, taking the initiative to help out other candidates will help you out a lot. On the flip side of that, if you have a lot of experience and you aren't using that to help out other candidates, that can raise serious questions about your initiative, motivation, desire to be a team player, etc. Also, even if the staff might not be as consistently harsh toward you as the other candidates, there's a good chance that they'll have a smaller tolerance for major mistakes coming from priors, particularly if they see you as not working very hard or taking OCS very seriously (there's a pretty good illustration of this in part two of that marinecorpstimes.com "class 186" feature). Overall, though, being a prior is an asset as long as you use it properly.

Bear in mind this is all coming from a non-prior, so take it for what it's worth.