Do 5th year benefits still exist? Mid-90's it used to be a given with a technical major.
Do 5th year benefits still exist? Mid-90's it used to be a given with a technical major.
I've heard of SWOs back in the day who didn't get their first class cruise in for some reason. So when they graduated, they ship selected just like everyone else and went to their first ship, but as a Midshipman. They did their job just like a regular new Ensign, but after 2 or 3 weeks, whatever the min time for a cruise is, they got commissioned and went on with their SWOtavated life. Don't know if they still do that anymore.
(at vmi, the 5th yr students all seem really laid back and enjoying life, so i think it won't be bad to stay an extra year)
Fifth year benefits are saved for those with FIVE year degrees....such as Architectural Engineering.
can mechanical engineering be a 5th year degree? i'm asking because i jacked up my chem class this semester because i think i was i've asked my mech engineering advisor to lighten my load for the rest of the semesters. but now i don't know if i will even have enough summers to do all of my degree requirements in just 4yrs.
even if i can't get any nrotc benefits for the 5th yr, i am wondering if i would be commissioning before or after a 5th yr? when would i have to apply to nrotc for a 5th yr? in my 4th yr? and would i need to do any nrotc stuff at all in a 5th yr? i mean i should have finished all the nrotc classes by my 4th yr. so would i have to pt with nrotc during the 5th yr or do ftx with them and other stuff?
(at vmi, the 5th yr students all seem really laid back and enjoying life, so i think it won't be bad to stay an extra year)
You guys are nuts, why would you want an extra semester in college? Don't you want to get out there and start getting paid? I'm busting my ass to get out of here on time.
As far as the late 1/C cruise, I've seen it done by people in my unit and I was on cruise with a guy who was doing it. You graduate, go on cruise, return to your unit to commission, then go to your first ship/duty station.
DSL: You'd have to talk to your adviser about your case. Seems like you should be able to get 5th yr benefits for an engineering major. Still, they don't like to give them if you've failed a class or switched majors.