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Socks and Sock Liners


OCC 191 Select
What's up all, I recently bought boots for OCS and grabbed some Thorlo boot socks. I was wondering if they will be good enough on their own or if I need to grab boot sock liners as well? Advice for anybody that has been to Artic Alpha as well as any other classes is appreciated as always.


Registered User
I went through OCS last Oct - Dec (2004).

I wore Thorlos without a liner underneath and they worked great. Blister Guard socks work really well too. Take care of your feet and keep them as dry as possible, use foot powder and you should be good.

Also, look into buying a good set of insoles - Spenko is a great brand. You get issued some at OCS but they aren't really that good.

Good Luck.


OCC 191 Select
Regarding Thorlos: I tried on my boots at the store with Fox Rivers bc thats what they had to try on boots with, I assume the Thorlos are the same thickness and won't affect my boot size that I bought with the fox's right?

I have heard Spenco and Superfeet. Any preference either way? Also, when breaking in the boots should I use the insoles or save those til after I wear em normally for a while?


Well-Known Member
The Thorlo's are actually a bit thicker than the Fox River socks they issue you. Once you get steel feet, you could pretty much wear whatever you want, go barefoot, it won't matter. I actually prefer the Fox's though I did the same as you and bought Thorlo's prior, which I still wear. You don't need liners, you won't have time on humps at OCS, or ever for that matter, to put on an extra pair of socks, too much time. I, again, bought Fox liners, blisterguard, and I won't even wear them with my dress shoes, they make your feet frigain sweat. As for the boots, use the insoles, but just something to think about. I got a brand new pair of Jungle's during TBS because my OCS Jungle's were pretty worn out. The new boots are much much bigger than the OCS ones. I guess the constant wet dry wet dry from OCS shrunk them. It's weird, they are about inches shorter than my new ones, and they are the exact same make, model of boot.


OCC 191 Select
Oh the socks issued at OCS are fox river? I heard their socks are crappy.

Anyway, so is my boot going to fit alright with the Thorlos if I did my sizing with Fox Rivers? I really don't want to have to deal with sending socks back haha. Guess we shall see.

I will wear my boots without the insoles til next paycheck then get some. Trying to spread my spending.


Well-Known Member
You get 2 pairs of Fox Socks issued, at least used to, and the rest are crappy ones.


The only socks I was issued were the green ones. I actually preferred those to the Fox River's I bought around week five or six. The Thorlo's I bought were the best though, and I'm glad I bought them before SULE II.


Registered User
Thorlos are the best. They are way better than the issue socks and they will not shrink. Only draw back is that they tend to disappear so you will probably want to wash them yourself as opposed to having firewatch do it for you. At $10 dollars a pair they are an investment but are totally worth it. As far as size issues are concerned they are a bit thicker than the issue boots but I never had a problem with them. And in Arctic Alpha you're feet will be cold no matter what you wear as the problem is with the lack of insulation on the souls of the boots and not the socks. Just walk around as much as possible and keep your feet dry and you will be okay.

Semper Fi,


Prospective Candidate for OCS
it all depends on the person, i went through OCS summer 05, and only wore the socks they issuesd me, and i got 2 blisters all summer, on the tips of my toes. If your feet have been through alot (i played hockey for 10 years, talk about blisters) you probably wont need to worry about any sort of liners, but if your feet havent been through much then ask some of these guys that know about the liners


OCC 191 Select
Marine4life said:
If you have sweaty feet, buy sock liners.

Yes I do lol. Any recs on what kind of sock liners? I shoulda just got the ingenius boot socks, those bad boys have sock liners built in. Oh well.