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Some news for all you blame the media types


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usmcecho4 said:
I think the point people make is that the mainstream media generally fail to report such things. While I'm happy someone is paying attention, happynews.com isn't exactly in the mainstream. On a similar note, I don't blame the media (liberal or conservative) for their lack of positive coverage. Media outlets are businesses whose ultimate purpose is to get ratings and sell advertising, so they are going to cover whatever gives them that result. I blame the lazy and largely ignorant American public for failing to realize that fact and for thinking that journalism is still caught in some altruistic 1950s time warp when their motives were different than today.



I can always fall back on my SAW skills
Amen Brett. As someone with a true journalism degree (not a BA with a jounalism emphasis) I can say that properly trained journalists are taught the old standards of objectivity and fairness in coverage. We were always taught that while it is impossible to take all human emotion out of the story you need to play Devil's advocate with yourself forcing you to see the other side of the story and report that as well. But once my fellow students who were foolish enough to try to make a living within their degree field (I guess they didn't realize they could be pilots even with a Journalism degree) get out into the real world they almost all get corrupted. I don't get it, I've read their stories and they are nothing like the stories we all wrote in college. I guess that's the power of the almighty dollar at work.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
bigfish said:
Amen Brett. As someone with a true journalism degree (not a BA with a jounalism emphasis) I can say that properly trained journalists are taught the old standards of objectivity and fairness in coverage. We were always taught that while it is impossible to take all human emotion out of the story you need to play Devil's advocate with yourself forcing you to see the other side of the story and report that as well. But once my fellow students who were foolish enough to try to make a living within their degree field (I guess they didn't realize they could be pilots even with a Journalism degree) get out into the real world they almost all get corrupted. I don't get it, I've read their stories and they are nothing like the stories we all wrote in college. I guess that's the power of the almighty dollar at work.

Money is all powerful. I have a hard time having respect for anyone working the journalistic fields, due to how shitty that area has become in the past years. The good guys need to turn that around... I don't see that happening though.


I can always fall back on my SAW skills
Fly Navy said:
I have a hard time having respect for anyone working the journalistic fields

Are you saying you have a hard time respecting me?:D


We need T-6 Avatars
bigfish said:
Amen Brett. As someone with a true journalism degree (not a BA with a jounalism emphasis) I can say that properly trained journalists are taught the old standards of objectivity and fairness in coverage. We were always taught that while it is impossible to take all human emotion out of the story you need to play Devil's advocate with yourself forcing you to see the other side of the story and report that as well. But once my fellow students who were foolish enough to try to make a living within their degree field (I guess they didn't realize they could be pilots even with a Journalism degree) get out into the real world they almost all get corrupted. I don't get it, I've read their stories and they are nothing like the stories we all wrote in college. I guess that's the power of the almighty dollar at work.

Not too sound like an a$$hole, but I have a middle east studies degree and nobody on this forum gives me any credit when I give my opinions on the area.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
JC52083 said:
Not too sound like an a$$hole, but I have a middle east studies degree and nobody on this forum gives me any credit when I give my opinions on the area.
That's because, unless you're sporting a PhD, nobody gives a rat's ass what your degree is in. :D Having a bachelors degree doesn't qualify you as an expert in anything, with the possible exception of fondling co-eds and beer bong operation. That's why the unofficial title to your first job (including the Navy) is invariably "Entry Level Peon." Additionally, there's an inverse relationship between whining about lack of respect, and receiving actual respect. ;)

Sorry to burst your bubble,



jc52083 said:
......I have a middle east studies degree and nobody on this forum gives me any credit when I give my opinions on the area.

Ditto on Brett's post .... until you have done something AFTER college ---- you don't know Jack ... or Jill, for that matter. Until then ... you're still just a "college boy". Sorry to burst your bubble twice in one night, but that's the way it is --- that's life. I didn't believe it either when I was your tender young age ..... ahhhh ..... the ignorance and arrogance of youth. We all pass through that portal.

Don't think so???? Don't take our word for it .... come back and re-read this thread in 20 years or so ..... :) .... and then YOU can be the judge.


Well-Known Member
JC52083 said:
Not too sound like an a$$hole, but I have a middle east studies degree and nobody on this forum gives me any credit when I give my opinions on the area.

Unless you post under a different name, your post history (all nine of them) have nothing to do with middle east studies.


I can always fall back on my SAW skills
I wasn't trying to sound like Mr. expert, I was just pointing out exactly what you are all saying. That what we were taught obviously get scewed signifigantly by the real world. I think in the journalistic world it would serve many of them to remember the way they were taught (objective) and not be swayed so much. Easier said than done I suppose. Also, why I'm training to fly planes instead of working at a paper somewhere.


I don't think everyone was talking to you, they were talking to the whiner w/ some BA degree.
The way you worded your post didn't make you out as an expert in journalism, just a reasonable guy with a some insight into the field.


We need T-6 Avatars
bigfish...its me they are hating on. They are just jealous cuz they are all soooo old, haha.

Oh boy, BOHICA for me?


I can always fall back on my SAW skills
^Careful man you're probably taking to some of your primary instructors on here.