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Somebody Trolled the NY Officer Recruiter


http://nyusn.blogspot.com/2010/07/attention-blog-update.html -NY Officer Recruiter Gave Out Board results on blog -Officer Recruiters from other areas are mad because their applicants knew before they could tell them -Officer Recruiters from other areas troll NY Officer Recruiter -Higher Ups tell NY Officer Recruiter to remove all board results from his blog. {
} -NY Officer Recruiter makes rage post on his blog. Was he right or wrong in displaying the board results for applicants across the US as soon as he got them? What are your thoughts on this?


Out to Pasture
I didn't read the link but...

Board results are often sent to an e-mail distribution list containing COs, OICs, etc giving them a chance to inform the member personally. A few days later the public release goes out via message traffic and internet posting of the results. If he was in receipt of the results from the Chain of Command type notification and he posted it, he was wrong. If he merely posted the public release quicker than some others could inform their members then, oh well, he doesn't have a resposibility to wait on everyone else, IMO.


Apprentice School Principal
My opinion is that if his boss is making him delete his blog post, then he did in fact do something wrong.

He wrote, "So I feel like I should apologize however I won't because it is not my fault or my problem."

If his policy is to post the results for his own people, then that is his perrogative. However, when he starts discussing board results for applicants from other recruiters, then he is out of line.
He discussed results for personnel that were not his responsbility and then can't understand why some people might get upset that he cut them out of the loop? Freakin' clueless.


Registered User
And if he was ordered to issue an apology, his response should be "yes sir" and then make the appropriate keystrokes instead of acting like a spoiled baby in public.


Well-Known Member
My opinion is that if his boss is making him delete his blog post, then he did in fact do something wrong.

He wrote, "So I feel like I should apologize however I won't because it is not my fault or my problem."

If his policy is to post the results for his own people, then that is his perrogative. However, when he starts discussing board results for applicants from other recruiters, then he is out of line.
He discussed results for personnel that were not his responsbility and then can't understand why some people might get upset that he cut them out of the loop? Freakin' clueless.

The bolded part I can't agree with- I've been given some less than spectacular orders because of someone's personal preference....However his little tantrum isn't really any better as far as the professional conduct is concerned.

If it has indeed been WEEKS that the list in question was posted and there were still other recruiters who hadn't gotten in touch with their charges- I think this is more about politics and whiny people than any sort of regulations or concern about the chain of command.


Made His Bed, Is Now Lying In It
If it has indeed been WEEKS that the list in question was posted and there were still other recruiters who hadn't gotten in touch with their charges- I think this is more about politics and whiny people than any sort of regulations or concern about the chain of command.

This. +100

Malibu gets the information out sooner. CRUITCOM is muzzling the wrong guy here. Instead they should be finding out why so many applicants need to use him, and what his fellow ORs aren't providing to the charges.


Kudos Seafort, I have talked to more than a few applicants who have had frustrations about not being able to get a hold of their recruiter. Having a way to access results digitally via blog or other electronic outlet should be utilized as a tool for recruiters to alleviate time used up answering or replying to unnecessary phone calls or emails. Having something like this should be an asset and not smothered because it hurt some guys feelings.

Besides the blog must have been doing something right if it attracted so much attention, and Malibu was just trying to help applicants by giving them the results they wanted.


Super Moderator
This. +100

Malibu gets the information out sooner. CRUITCOM is muzzling the wrong guy here. Instead they should be finding out why so many applicants need to use him, and what his fellow ORs aren't providing to the charges.

Kudos Seafort, I have talked to more than a few applicants who have had frustrations about not being able to get a hold of their recruiter. Having a way to access results digitally via blog or other electronic outlet should be utilized as a tool for recruiters to alleviate time used up answering or replying to unnecessary phone calls or emails. Having something like this should be an asset and not smothered because it hurt some guys feelings.

Besides the blog must have been doing something right if it attracted so much attention, and Malibu was just trying to help applicants by giving them the results they wanted.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I have little in the way of knowledges when it comes to the recruiting world, never dealt with one and know of only one buddy who did it. But I am pretty familiar about official Navy messages and a lot of the reasons of why it it is such a formal and sometimes slow process, they are generally good ones and you better learn to live with it now if you want to be in the military. And while the Navy may have a spotty record when it comes to embracing and utilizing new technology there are also some good reasons for the Navy's seemingly plodding approach to adopting some of them, the many rules, regulations and laws that it has to follow when it comes to boards and their results, especially concerning confidentiality, are a big reason why. Leaning too far forward when it comes to technology can sometimes end up with the user leaning too far forward and falling on their face, especially when dealing with something like Navy board results.

And if he was ordered to issue an apology, his response should be "yes sir" and then make the appropriate keystrokes instead of acting like a spoiled baby in public.

And saying shit like this on a public ain't exactly the epitome of class either, "Obviously men are not what they used to be".


Thanks for information Flash, I guess it's just hard to understand the Navy's philosophy from the outside looking in. Living in a world filled with so much instant gratification just makes a lot of other processes seem slow.


He bowls overhand.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I have little in the way of knowledges when it comes to the recruiting world, never dealt with one and know of only one buddy who did it. But I am pretty familiar about official Navy messages and a lot of the reasons of why it it is such a formal and sometimes slow process, they are generally good ones and you better learn to live with it now if you want to be in the military. And while the Navy may have a spotty record when it comes to embracing and utilizing new technology there are also some good reasons for the Navy's seemingly plodding approach to adopting some of them, the many rules, regulations and laws that it has to follow when it comes to boards and their results, especially concerning confidentiality, are a big reason why. Leaning too far forward when it comes to technology can sometimes end up with the user leaning too far forward and falling on their face, especially when dealing with something like Navy board results.
True, but blogger claims that he was not breaking any regs with his posts.

WRT selection boards, what confidentiality is in danger of being broken?


But for now I'm going to lunch on the Eastside with a few Russian girls I met last night at The Standard. I'm gonna drink a bottle of Château Pétrus and sit out in the sun smoking, looking at the beautiful flowers and people around, the scents and the sounds. Then I'm gonna take the drive south in my old Porsche, lay on the beach, do some tuna fishing in the canyons and watch the sun set over the ocean eating sashimi and drinking cold sake on the way home

Wow... Right or wrong, the guy is making himself look ridiculous.


Made His Bed, Is Now Lying In It
Picaroon, I disagree. I don't care if he dances the watusi in a pink chiffon party dress on Sunday afternoons. I only care if when he's supposed to, he does his job. The fact he seems to be doing other people's jobs as well is just a bonus.

While the last sentence would seem to imply he's drinking and driving, I don't actually think that's the case. I just think his poeticism got away from him there.


Apprentice School Principal
Malibu gets the information out sooner. CRUITCOM is muzzling the wrong guy here. Instead they should be finding out why so many applicants need to use him, and what his fellow ORs aren't providing to the charges.

And what happens when someone posts some information that is incorrect? How do deal with information that is incorrectly released by someone who is not responsible for that information???

When I was stashed at the ROTC office a NPA, we had a ROTC CO calling people who were 'selected' for a ROTC scholarship and had his school listed as a choice. He was basically recruiting for his school by calling the individuals directly and trying to get them to come to his school.
Problem was he used an older list that was incorrect; he notified three individuals that they received a scholarship when in fact they did not.
So, who do you blame? (In this case the ROTC CO had to make some phone calls since he was the person who jumped the chain of command)

So the OR from NY starts posting information on his blog but what if he's wrong????

The issue is it is NOT HIS JOB nor his responsbility to notify personnel who he is not actually recruiting.
Regardless of whether or not someone is having a problem with an individual recruiter, this Naval Officer is out of line.

The Navy works through a chain of command construct.
When you get selected for promotion, then your CO should be the person calling you at home. If you don't select then your CO (or Commodore as the case may be) should be the one calling you to notify you of the FOS.
Having some random 'dude' call you (or blog) the results is not how the Navy works.

Having someone decide what is right and wrong outside of proper channels for administrative details usually ends up with someone screwing up because they were unaware of one of the first rules of the Navy; Shit changes.

Finally, I didn't see where NRC is 'muzzling' this guy. He CO probably told him he was out of line and he needs to delete those posts. The fact that this guy is not accepting responsbility for this (and publicly stating so) will probably result in doing the 'carpet shuffle' soon.

One old adage in the military is when there is a 'personality conflict' the Senior has the Pesonality and the Junor has the Conflict.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
The guy sounds like a toolbag who got pissy that his pee pee got schwacked. If he's calling his people, there's no reason to post the list on an open source blog. Let other recruiters do their jobs.

A one liner mea culpa "I released something that wasn't mine to release" would have gone a long way to fixing his mistake, rather than his poetic sunday afternoon douchebuggery.


Helolumpy, you have a great point and a lot of wisdom, having no accountability if missinformation gets passed down through the improper channels would have potential to create a charlie foxtrot.