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South American leaders over-reacting to US-Colombia plan?


Venezuela is pissed, as usual. That's not the biggest thing. However, when the president of Brazil says, "this climate of unease disturbs me," it's a little more relevant. I don't think it's a good idea to engender unease with any of the BRIC countries if we can avoid it, but I think this is just an over-reaction.



Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Colombia, historically & in recent years, has never shown itself to be a threat to its neighbors. Venezuela & El Supremo Presidente Chavez cannot say the same. IMHO, Colombia's invitation of american troops onto its soil, is nothing more than an inexpensive defense insurance policy for Uribe's government. Luiz Ignacio Lula daSilva, the Brasilian president, has been about to fall over leaning leftwards for several years. The country was much more responsibly governed when the military was controlling the place.


Registered User
My first exposure to south america was back in 1965 when I went to Ecuador on a USAID contract training the Ecuadorian Air force in aerial mapping. What struck me then, and now, was the attitude of the anti-American, but give us money?
Having worked in several/many countries since then, I continue to see the 3rd world bad mouthing the USA while demanding more financial support. The money never reaches the people down at the bottom where it was intended to help out. Politicians worldwide are keeping their hands out in friendship as long as that palm is greased.
Pretty disgusting all around and leaves me with an unhealthy attitude towards foreign aid. Fuck'em...... and lets help the people in our own country. Oh wait...! Obama is doing that and giving away money like he can print it! Oh I forget, He Can and is.
The latest outrage is giving cell phones to people on welfare and not much coverage on it in the media.
Meantime, his family can get flu shots while others are standing in long lines. What a surprise.....??? RHIP and not deserved by any means.
Semper fi