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STA-21 Advice


Registered User
My question mainly concerns my chances of getting selected and I thought this would be the best site to get advice from people who are doing the process and/or have already been through the process. Currently I have my Associates in Technical Management with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. I have LOR from 2 Intel Captains and 2 Pilots (O-5s). I haven't taken my SATs yet. My personnel letter of recommendation is done, I got 24 English and 23 Math, essentially what I am asking is that since I have most of everything done, What else can I do between now and July 2007 to cement my package?


Registered User
thats 24 English and 23 Math on the ACT, I had planned on taking them both under the recommendation of an officer here.


Registered User
Wow, it looks like you got just about everything. Are you going for SNA or SNFO? If so, you need to take the ASTB (you probably already know that :)). There's plenty help on the ASTB section of the board. You've got plenty of time, use it wisely. As per the STA-21 website, you can register in January 2007. Here are some of my personal advice:

1) If you've not already done so, read up on OPNAVINST 1420.1, use the forms and start getting your packet together. Once you've prepped and typed everything, have as many eyes look at it for any mistakes.

2) Print out everything that has anything to do with STA-21 and put it in a binder. This helped me out tremendously this year, whenever Chief or DivO had a question about the program I just whipped out my binder and gave them the answer. I had everything from the STA-21 NAVADMIN, ASTB, STA-21 Fleet breef, results for the 3 previous years, you name it etc..

3) Talk to the universities you're interested in and try to get a conditional admission in writing. I got one from SUNY Maritime and added it on my packet.

4) Take calculus now and get them over with!

5) To prepare for my interview boards, I created a folder with a couple dozen possible board questions and studied them months prior to my boards. It helped out a LOT!

6) I was lucky enough to get a hold of a complete STA-21 package, whose owner was actually accepted for the program, from my NCC. Talk to your NC's and see if they have a copy. It helped me out a lot to get the format correct.

7) Scrub the STA-21 website and read EVERYTHING! And it doesn't hurt to search the forums for good gouge. I can't thank these forums enough for helping me with my packet.

I'm sure there's more that I forgot, I'll add more in the future if I remember them. Good luck!!


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
Wow, it looks like you got just about everything. Are you going for SNA or SNFO? If so, you need to take the ASTB (you probably already know that :)). There's plenty help on the ASTB section of the board. You've got plenty of time, use it wisely. As per the STA-21 website, you can register in January 2007. Here are some of my personal advice:

1) If you've not already done so, read up on OPNAVINST 1420.1, use the forms and start getting your packet together. Once you've prepped and typed everything, have as many eyes look at it for any mistakes.

2) Print out everything that has anything to do with STA-21 and put it in a binder. This helped me out tremendously this year, whenever Chief or DivO had a question about the program I just whipped out my binder and gave them the answer. I had everything from the STA-21 NAVADMIN, ASTB, STA-21 Fleet breef, results for the 3 previous years, you name it etc..

3) Talk to the universities you're interested in and try to get a conditional admission in writing. I got one from SUNY Maritime and added it on my packet.

4) Take calculus now and get them over with!

5) To prepare for my interview boards, I created a folder with a couple dozen possible board questions and studied them months prior to my boards. It helped out a LOT!

6) I was lucky enough to get a hold of a complete STA-21 package, whose owner was actually accepted for the program, from my NCC. Talk to your NC's and see if they have a copy. It helped me out a lot to get the format correct.

7) Scrub the STA-21 website and read EVERYTHING! And it doesn't hurt to search the forums for good gouge. I can't thank these forums enough for helping me with my packet.

I'm sure there's more that I forgot, I'll add more in the future if I remember them. Good luck!!

Concur with everything above. I would also see about getting a SNA or SNFO phyisical out of the way to make sure that you are qualified.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
Have someone who has gone through this type of program take a look at your personal statement. It never hurts to have someones opinion. Also, I definitely agree with the calculus. If you can get that in it will greatly help in strengthening a package.


Officer NOooo...
Consider this advice from aguy who probable shouldn't be here(STA-21). I think there two very important things to keep in mind during the interview/board process, especially the interview/board from another command.
1. Just relax and be cofident in your answers even though you know that you don't have a clue.

2. Never be afraid to make a decision. You have to, that why O's make the big bucks.

Just keep those two simple concepts in mind and you should get great interview results.


Given this advice in several STA-21 threads...

Make sure that your chain of command is fully aware of your intention to apply and is supportive. This makes a huge difference when it comes time to really get the package together. It may help influence evals, collateral duties etc...

The ASTB advice is good. Make sure that you give yourself enough time to take it again just in case it doesn't go well the first time.

+1 on the physical. If you are not in the community, (I was a submariner getting an aviation physical...on a sea-going command) it can take some time to set up.

Most important...Keep up the hard work. Good luck!


Registered User
Thanks for all the great advice, I am an Intelligence Specialist going into to the Intelligence (1630) Officer field. I already have everything a nice "I-love-me" binder and my chain of command already knows. My Officer chain of command has been real supportive. How do you go about getting a conditional acceptance in writing? Also I only have college algebra, I don't think its possible for me to get Calculus in before the due date but i will try, nothing's gonna stop me!


Ditto on the calc and physics. It will be alot less stressful at college if you knock it out ahead of time. It will also help your package a tremendous amount.