Phantom Hawk
Registered User
Anyone in NROTC on a scholarship now, or has had one in the past could u please post your SAT scores/GPA/other stats that got you the scholarship? Just trying to figure out my chances.
Phantom Hawk said:my SAT is what is killing me, I only have an 1190 on one individual test which is what the board uses. I have a 3.7 GPA which will be going up this semester and loads of varsity sports and leadership stuff. I just hope the SAT doesnt kill me.
CommodoreMid said:It also depends on what schools you're looking at. It will be much more competitive to get a scholarship to MIT than it will be to most other schools. I'm at Vandy right now, had 1470 SAT, 4.0 GPA in high school, graduated number 2 in my class, Girl Scout, played first trumpet in band, piano, some community service, other random stuff.