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Sticky situation

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Selected PLC-C 186 Ground
OK so here's my situation. I was selected at the Dec. board for PLC-C 186 and am supposed to ship-out on June 6th. I went to the doc 2 weeks ago because I was having lots of pain in my lower legs. After an x-ray and an MRI he diagnosed me with tibial stress fractures. I'm supposed to "stay off my feet as much as possible" until I leave. Starting next week I can start using a bike, elliptical trainer, and do aqua jogging for rehab. So pretty much all I've been able to do is pull-ups, sit-ups, and whatever weight training I can that doesn't involve bearing weight on my legs, as well as swimming for the cardio. My concern is that if, after my check-up prior to shipping out, my doc releases me I will get to OCS and either: 1.)have an absolutely horrible run time and "be that Candidate"(you know the one I'm talking about) or 2.) reinjure my legs and get sent home after only 2 or 3 weeks.

I've talked with my doc, as well as other experienced runners, and done some research on recovery and rehab and everything I've seen and heard points toward a slow and steady recovery after the bone has completely healed. Because I'm going to be jumping right into running 3 to 5 miles 6 days a week everyone I've talked to says it's only a matter of time before I re-injure myself. I've busted my ass for the last 9 months to get ready for OCS and had my PFT up to a 290. Now I've just received a huge kick in the balls and am not really sure what course of action to take. Anybody with any ideas/input would be greatly appreciated. I'll keep everyone posted.

Stay Motivated,


Marine Aviator
I won't sugar coat anything - there were people that were sent home before the training even started. Medically speaking, they should have never been there. After that, the the training is more of a test than to build you up. Chances of it bringing out the worst would be likely.
One of the kids in my platoon had a hairline fracture, but made it far enough through the training that they let him hobble through the last few events on crutches.
As I recall, the OSO gets his points for people he ships off whether they make it through or not. Have you asked about delaying untill the next year?


Selected PLC-C 186 Ground
Big Worm,
Thanks for no sugar coating, I'm the same way...just tell it like it is. My OSO is pushing pretty hard for me ship, but we did discuss delaying until next summer. Neither he nor I see any reason why I wouldn't get selected again because the only thing that would change in my package would be a waiver for this little injury, plus my PFT would be somewhere in the 300 range and my GPA has increased. No worries on re-selection. On the bright side...I'll have an extra year to keep getting ready for OCS next summer.

Stay Motivated,


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
To back up what BigWorm said, I wouldn't chance it. The majority of injuries I can recall from OCS/TBS were stress-fractures, and if you're going in there just off of one, the outlook wouldn't be too good. If you have a good GPA and can run a 300 (wish I could), then you should having to worry about - especially after seeing some of the trash some OSOs sent to OCS who couldn't even run a 1st class.

btw- BigWorm, when did you do OCS? we had a guy (i think he was in my platoon) who had the same thing happen to him.


Selected PLC-C 186 Ground

Just got some good news. My OSO sent my paperwork to BUMED and they wouldn't clear me for 10 weeks, so since my grad date has been pushed back a semester they are clearing me for 2nd Increment PLC-Jrs. So it's all good now. I know I'll definintely be ready to go by July 11th. Thanks for the info.

Stay Motivated,
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