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stop-loss order

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OCC 186 Bound
hey guys, I just heard that the Navy is rescinding it's stop
loss order for personnel. Since many pilots are now free to leave,
does that mean they will be opening up more sna slots now to replace them? I realize it's waaayy to soon for the Navy to start thinking about that yet, but I'm pretty excited about it. It just might make it easier for wannabees like me to get in since their quotas for newbies are probably gonna go up. anyone have any gouge on this??


Registered User
Maybe, but don't count on it till you see it on paper and even then stand on the side of worst case senerio. Even if it does, the time it takes for that to filter down to applicant's isnt worth the bet. Better to plan for cut throat competition...

Valion310 out-

Edited by - Valion310 on 08/16/2002 03:10:36
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