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stuck between a rock and a hard place


New Member
I've been reading these forums for a while now and this is my first post.

I enlisted into the Navy last June and have been in the DEP program since. My ship date is mid September. In September of last year I was told by my recruiter that I was to fill out an NROTC application because there was a lack of scholarships coming out of my region. I filled out the application and my interview was given to me by a Chief. I have not heard anything back about the status of my NROTC application but have been considering NROTC very hard in the last month and a half or so. I intially joined the Navy because at the time was unsure as to what I wanted to do. Just my decision to join took alot of consideration, as to all important decisions.

My reason for considering NROTC was that: I finished my PQS manual extremely fast and have excelled quicker than the rest of my DEP pool. I am also very sure as to what I want to do now, they way I go about it is what is hard to decide.

I applied to three universities and was accepted to all three. I have talked with representatives from two different NROTC units and they have both told me that I have no contractual agreement with the Navy through the DEP program. I have also heard that I may hear back about the scholarship as late as mid-june.

As it stands, my options are as follows:

1) Continue with the DEP program until I am accepted by NROTC and then have my contract changed. (best case scenario.)

2) Continue with the DEP program until I am not accepted and decided to attend as a programmer, which would involve requesting seperation from the DEP program.

3) Go to bootcamp and then apply for another type of commisioning program.

All advice and opinions are appreciated, thanks.


New Member
I was in the same situation as you until I got my NROTC scholarship in February, Are you using the Navy as a job or as a way to pay for college? If your just paying for college you could go to college and try for a 3 yr scholarship if you don't get the 4yr one. If you want to go Navy as a job and want the officer comission I hear its alot harder to get a comission while your already in than if you just go Nrotc. I also heard it can take up to 4 years to get that comission if you go enlisted(worst case scenario). Granted i'm pretty knew to all this but from what I've seen its a whole lot easier to go NROTC first. can anyone back me up on this?

just for reference my plan is to go to college on the scholarship and then request permission to get my master's degree which would be one more year of schooling then go Navy. course all this could change i've still got plenty of time:D


New Member
I agree. If you want to be in the Navy as a job go NROTC. If you're just looking for money and not the rewards of leadership then don't waste your time. As an officer you'll be a major influence on young sailors in your division. Don't waste both their time if all you wanted was a free ride. You should want the Navy first, and the free ride should just be an added bonus. Even if you don't get the scholarship, I would still go to college, but I would suggest looking at the units and asking how many empty scholarship slots they have for your class. Each school is allotted a certain # of scholarships so if they run out, then you could just be out of luck. Marines are trying to pick up more people too, so if you want to go that route, your chances are better now than they have been in the past.

Airyk, I wouldn't necessarily count on getting a masters straight out of NROTC. It is possible but they are very rare. Think about it this way, the Navy just payed several thousands of dollars to send you to school to be a line officer, they want to get some use out of you. There is plenty of time to get your masters after your initial 4 year tour depending on what service selection you pick.

Good luck to both of you because I'm done with the program in about 70 days!


New Member
Thanks to all who responded. I never thought of it that way and im surprised I didn't. I've always wanted the Navy as a Job not just for college. My father is a P-3 pilot, so ive grown up privilaged as an officer's son. I also feel like the transition from officer life to enlisted life would be difficult. And I've noticed that I am more comfortable talking to a commander than say a chief. thanks again.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
IF you decide to go to college (with or without a NROTC scholarship), you can get out of your DEP contract. I helped a young NROTC student (Now an ENSIGN) get out of his enlistment contract. It was much easier than I thought. He basically wrote a letter stating that he was pursuing a commission in the Navy by attending college. Check out this site for further info. BTW, you are NOT in the military until you show up to boot camp.

-ea6bflyr ;)


Well-Known Member
Don't count on it, but it is also possible to get an NROTC contract while enlisted. The downside is that you get separated from active duty.