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Study Abroad


New Member
I am looking to do a study abroad program through the university, however it is not like most study abroad programs where you are gone for the entire semester. This program is only 8 days long, 4 of which are in Japan and 4 of which are in China and would satisfy my cultural diversity requirements. The problem is going to China, the foreign clearance guide states that I will have to get approval from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USDP). My adviser and I both agree that this sounds pretty high up on the food chain. So my questions are:

1. Anyone ever gone to China and had any dealings with this? (Or any other country with a ton a prereqs?) What are my chances of getting approved?

2. How is this going to affect my security clearance later on?

Yes, I have done searches, they mostly deal with the question of whether or not study abroads are possible. And yes, we have calls in to those referenced in the FCG, but they might already be on Xmas leave as we have not heard anything back.

Thanks in advance for your time.


Registered User
I have a friend finishing up at the academy that did an exchange (for a much longer period) in China, so its definitely possible. He also service selected nuke so it shouldnt be a problem with your clearance, although it may be a bit more of a hassle.


livin' the dream
I'm going to Israel for ten days in January (Birthright Trip), so my LT told me just to jot down the name of the person in charge, and places we visited and what we did, just so it isn't a hassle to declare it on the clearance forms. Also, no one needs to know that you're military.

Have fun!!


Registered User
do it!

I am currently in Denmark for a study abroad program and over the past 4 months I have been all over Europe...just keep locations and dates and your good. (Double check with your lt)

have fun!


professional undergraduate
I'm going to Israel for ten days in January (Birthright Trip), so my LT told me just to jot down the name of the person in charge, and places we visited and what we did, just so it isn't a hassle to declare it on the clearance forms. Also, no one needs to know that you're military.

Have fun!!

I got screwed on dates to birthright last year and didn't apply this year. I really wanted to go.:( Have fun!


livin' the dream
I got screwed on dates to birthright last year and didn't apply this year. I really wanted to go.:( Have fun!

You can go if you haven't hit 26 yet :) I'm going with Israel Outdoors, so it should be a lot of hiking and climbing... you should try again before the Navy takes over your life!! :-P