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Submitting Pilot Package

Hi All - Hoping to get some advice. Id like to submit my package as soon as possible. My recruiter has two concerns:

One: He won't submit my package without MEPS, which means waiting until my three months for PRK surgery is up. He says thats the only way they're doing it now but I've heard others who have submitted without MEPS....Should I get a second opinion? I know a month isn't too long to wait, but I'm so anxious and excited, as I'm sure all applicants are.

Two: He thinks the board will see the package without MEPS, and automatically reject it because they dont want to say yes to someone who might have health concerns? In that case, its a six month wait before I can submit again...Can submitting the package without MEPS hurt you?


New Member
I was under the impression (from my OR) that you can submit PRODOCS without FINDOCS (which includes MEPS and PRT). After your PRODOCS are approved by the board your processor has 30 days to submit everything (this is where the FINDOCS come in).

At least that's the way it's working for me. I'm waiting on a MEDREAD from MEPS so they can ok me to do the physical, but my OR said we can submit for Sept. anyway.

Maybe because you have the PRK situation it's different for you?? I'm sure someone else can shed some light...

my .2
Yeah that makes sense and thats what I've been reading and hearing.... My recruiter is pretty set in his ways. He seems pretty adamant about getting MEPS done first before submission, any ideas on how to change his mind? Perhaps I should talk to another recruiter?


Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
I went to MEPS after being pro rec'd. Don't try going around your recruiter, but maybe a second opinion may be a good idea. Try some of the recruiters on here, but I am sure they will chime in soon.


Cereal Killer
I did MEPS and PRT before submitting.

It really doesn't matter, if you are going to get NPQ'ed at MEPS you aren't going to get/keep that pilot slot. Are you pushing 27 years old? Why don't you want to wait?


Registered User
I submitted before MEPS. Tell him thats what you want to do. If they find out something is wrong with you at MEPS they won't give you a final select. Just tell him you want to do it anyway.
Nah I'm not pushing 27 yet! I just turned 24 ... I'm anxious and excited to submit, get the slot, and head to OCS (if i make it). And my job...lets just say I can't wait to put in my two weeks :eek:)

The only problem with telling my recruiter to submit my package... is that I really want him on my side-I dont want to create any tension - hes a great guy, although I think he gets me mixed up with his other applicants.

Hmm, I'm still unsure of what the right decision is here....thanks for all your inputs though.


His blood smells like cologne.
Long time no talk senorita! I would go ahead and get your MEPS out of the way.... Hell, its a free physical at the least....And you'll have to do it some time or another.

On top of this, it is just one more check in the box.... Your package will be more squared away than your competitors. To the boards you'll already be green medically.... My .02... Keep me posted!!



Well-Known Member
Even if you do get pro rec'd you're going to have to go to MEPS anyway, like everyone else said just get it done then you don't have to worry about it. Good Luck.
Hi All - Hoping to get some advice. Id like to submit my package as soon as possible. My recruiter has two concerns:

One: He won't submit my package without MEPS, which means waiting until my three months for PRK surgery is up. He says thats the only way they're doing it now but I've heard others who have submitted without MEPS....Should I get a second opinion? I know a month isn't too long to wait, but I'm so anxious and excited, as I'm sure all applicants are.

Two: He thinks the board will see the package without MEPS, and automatically reject it because they dont want to say yes to someone who might have health concerns? In that case, its a six month wait before I can submit again...Can submitting the package without MEPS hurt you?

To clear up some muddy waters. You do not need MEPS nor a PRT (except EOD and SEAL) to submit package to a board.

There is no written timeline on how long you have to submit the MEDDOCS after the PRODOCS but less than a month is expected. If you have a medical condition that will require a waiver of some sort, then you can extend longer than the month because the cause of the delay is understood.

Edit: I added the MEDDOCS and PRODOCS checklist to the application section of my site.


Active Member
here is the the most likely reason your OR will not submit and keep in mind I would not submit your application either. If you are PRO REC'd and then you go to MEPs after the mandatory wait and fail the eye stuff or it is not wavierable because you did not meet the pre op standard or the repair failed. then you just took a valuable spot from someone else. i would guess if he thought you were competitive and had a clean medical screening your kit would be gone already. so he is not doing a disservice to you. he is doing a service to the folks that are qualified now and probably need no waivers. If you only have to wait three months to go to meps for PRK consider yourself lucky many MEPS mandate 6 months even though the navy instruction says 3.

Hi All - Hoping to get some advice. Id like to submit my package as soon as possible. My recruiter has two concerns:

One: He won't submit my package without MEPS, which means waiting until my three months for PRK surgery is up. He says thats the only way they're doing it now but I've heard others who have submitted without MEPS....Should I get a second opinion? I know a month isn't too long to wait, but I'm so anxious and excited, as I'm sure all applicants are.

Two: He thinks the board will see the package without MEPS, and automatically reject it because they dont want to say yes to someone who might have health concerns? In that case, its a six month wait before I can submit again...Can submitting the package without MEPS hurt you?


Well-Known Member
here is the the most likely reason your OR will not submit and keep in mind I would not submit your application either. If you are PRO REC'd and then you go to MEPs after the mandatory wait and fail the eye stuff or it is not wavierable because you did not meet the pre op standard or the repair failed. then you just took a valuable spot from someone else. i would guess if he thought you were competitive and had a clean medical screening your kit would be gone already. so he is not doing a disservice to you. he is doing a service to the folks that are qualified now and probably need no waivers. If you only have to wait three months to go to meps for PRK consider yourself lucky many MEPS mandate 6 months even though the navy instruction says 3.

Well my application may have been 2 years ago, but I'll throw in a caveat to your post Goob. I know you are an experienced recruiter, but this is just what my recruiter did at the time. He DID NOT let me go to MEPS until I was pro-rec, and I believe this may have been dictated by the NRD's command because it was a waste of money to send an applicant through MEPS until he was pro-rec. Granted, he asked me long before we submitted if I had any eye issued (I did not, but I wasn't 20/20) and he had no problems with it.

I guess it depends on recruiters, but mine didn't let me go to MEPS until I was pro-rec but some want it done beforehand to ensure that all the I's are dotted and T's crossed.

ASK and ye shall receive.


Active Member
Well my application may have been 2 years ago, but I'll throw in a caveat to your post Goob. I know you are an experienced recruiter, but this is just what my recruiter did at the time. He DID NOT let me go to MEPS until I was pro-rec, and I believe this may have been dictated by the NRD's command because it was a waste of money to send an applicant through MEPS until he was pro-rec. Granted, he asked me long before we submitted if I had any eye issued (I did not, but I wasn't 20/20) and he had no problems with it.

I guess it depends on recruiters, but mine didn't let me go to MEPS until I was pro-rec but some want it done beforehand to ensure that all the I's are dotted and T's crossed.

ASK and ye shall receive.

we practice it both ways every persons kit is different. until the new year starting OCT 1 my policy was no kit leaves the NRD unless I know they are going to pass meps or eligible for a waiver. This has since changed with the new goaling practices of big navy and I will send anyones kit that passes the ASTB and I cannot immediately field reject for medical or police record. I would imagine this will slowly be adapted nation wide.