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Sule X

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Registered User
i've seen quite a few people here ask about SULE X (small unit leadership evaluation, experimental) and what it is. Since I was among the first to run the course, I'll share what i know.

I was in PLC juniors, 2nd increment last summer. My company (india) was the very first to run SULE X.

It was actually pretty simple. a fire team (4 men) was assembled, and is issued a map. candidates start a mile or two from the barracks, at one of the roadside staging areas. Fire teams took off at 2 or 4 min intervals (can't quite remember). From the start, it's about a mile to the first problem, and a mile to 1.5 between the rest of the problems and from the last problem to the finish line. My memory is a bit shady, but I think it was about 5 miles total.

4 candidates per team, and 4 problems to solve. Everyone is fire team leader once. The problems took place at the senior's stamina course, combat course, confidence course, and junior's stamina course (in that order, i believe). The problems are akin to something you'd see at the LRC, where an OCS staff member reads off your problem and then evalulates you. 10 minutes total are alotted for each problem, and that includes time that the instructor is reading to you. (or any time he/she takes to hassle you during the problem)

You are in full 782 gear, with a weapon (no magazines), plus your kevlar helmet and boonie cover. kevlar must be worn during the problems, but it is easier to run with the boonie cover.

As for the problems themselves, some are solvable, some are impossible, and some are downright confusing. The staff is looking for each candidate to display leadership potential, no matter what challenges the problem may present. And of course, the whole event is timed, so you had better be double-timing if you want a decent score.

My company didn't recieve any scores, and we were told that SULE X would be reviewed and possibly implemented as a graded event in future OCS classes. To be honest, it was actually a decent run and pretty fun. That may change if it becomes a graded event, but we'll see.

My question to the forum, and especially to anyone who has attended OCS since PLC second increment, is what has changed? and especially, is SULE X graded?

Arc Angel

2nd Lt at TBS
Thanks for the info, I was one of the guys asking about it. Did you run the SULU X before or after SULU II or did you run it in place of SULU II during your PLC class?


Registered User
SULE X was after SULE I, and since I was in juniors we didn't do SULE II. One of the 10-week course candidates that has attended OCS in the past year will have to answer where X fell in their training.

in the future, SULE X may replace SULE I or II, or parts of it may be implemented into either of those events. Of course, the whole thing might get scrapped. I'm interested to hear what others have heard on this.


One of the guys here at my school was in 185 and said that it took place after SULE II, that is during the 10 week deal. He said it was not graded and that it was there mostly to keep candidates on there toes during the last week or so. In true OCS fashion I sure it will change and the first time its graded will be a "Charlie Foxtrot," just another beautiful Marine Corps Day
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