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Summer Flying for Mids


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I'm going on my 1/C Aviation cruise this summer, and that means that I am good to go on my upchit and my physiology training.

This may seem like a silly question, but over the summer while not on cruise am I able to request rides from anybody if they aren't busy? If so, what kinds of squadrons would I be able to go with? I'm going to be all over the place this summer (thanks to my parents' airline benefits) so location won't be a big problem.

Thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Hey guys,

I'm going on my 1/C Aviation cruise this summer, and that means that I am good to go on my upchit and my physiology training.

This may seem like a silly question, but over the summer while not on cruise am I able to request rides from anybody if they aren't busy? If so, what kinds of squadrons would I be able to go with? I'm going to be all over the place this summer (thanks to my parents' airline benefits) so location won't be a big problem.

Thanks a lot!

The problem will be orders and your status. You will not be on active duty, on orders when you try and freelance. You will only be on orders, on active duty during the cruise. That's usually going to cause problems w/ getting rides. I think I did manage to get a ride w/ the CG as a mid (on Christmas Eve, of all times) but they were DOT back then and it apparently wasn't as big an issue as it is for the Navy.

I'm not saying it won't happen, but the chances are low.


is clara ship
Here's a problem:

When I was on my 1/c cruise as a middie @ the VFA's in Lemoore, we all kind of had a system of who got to go fly...at least an order, you know? Like who had flown, who still hadn't really flown a lot, and who was up to go again. And then some middie drove up from North Island and f**ked about 6 of us out of our last flights in the '18. Not saying we deserved them, rated them, should have had them anyways, but that was the way it was percieved. He didn't spend any time "in line" and got to cut in front of all of us on the last day or two. So maybe some folks can fly you, but keep in mind the shipmates you may be inadvertantly stepping on in trying to do so. Just my .02 FWIW


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Here's a problem:

not really, but go on...

When I was on my 1/c cruise as a middie @ the VFA's in Lemoore, we all kind of had a system of who got to go fly...at least an order, you know? Like who had flown, who still hadn't really flown a lot, and who was up to go again.

so far so good.

And then some middie drove up from North Island and f**ked about 6 of us out of our last flights in the '18.

How so? You go on to say...

Not saying we deserved them, rated them, should have had them anyways,

but that was the way it was percieved.

by who? you? did you get a hop? good.

He didn't spend any time "in line" and got to cut in front of all of us on the last day or two.

If you had that much of an issue with it you should have said something to the kid first, then your Midshipman Coordinator in the squadron.

So maybe some folks can fly you, but keep in mind the shipmates you may be inadvertantly stepping on in trying to do so. Just my .02 FWIW

Try not to cry yourself to sleep tonight.

You got a hop. A hop. Consider how many maintainers who would love that chance.

Generation Entitled...I love it...


New VR FTS select
I would love to get one

I have been in over 6 years and have been trying to get a hop since I came in the Navy. But now I am going to be going to flight school in about 8 months.. ALL RIGHT!! :D


is clara ship
Trust me, it's several years into the past now, and it was never an issue anyways....nothing more than a "well who is ThAT guy" kind of thing. Not entitled to anything...like I said we neither rated, nor deserved even a SINGLE flight. But being young, impressionable, hopeful, excited young middies every flight counted. That's all I've got, and I'm pretty sure we were all there at some point, were we not sir?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
As long as you remember to keep it in perspective, which it appears you have.

There is always "that guy," and if he was in fact "that guy" he will get his.


is clara ship
As long as you remember to keep it in perspective, which it appears you have.

There is always "that guy," and if he was in fact "that guy" he will get his.

Don't get me wrong....the guy was probably a solid dude, just ended up being the outsider at the wrong time. He'll probably be the 1st one to get jets anyways out of all of us :)


As a plebe I was able to get a ride in a P3. When I went home on Christmas leave I was taken up (along with another mid from my area) in a VP-1 bird. The whole thing about not being on active duty when you dont have orders doesnt add up for me. As a mid you are considered active duty. And that includes when you are on leave. You are free to travel when on leave so it shouldnt be an issue. The biggest problem would be finding a crew to take you up. I had somewhat of a special circumstance. My father was the CO of VP-1 and went directly to the commodore to get clearance. As far as I know it wasnt an issue at all. It was deemed as "training" because we were considered active duty. We did have to go through complete flight physicals and a condensed air crew course, but it may be different if you are already cleared to fly.

Again, I was in a special circumstance, but my advice would be to try and get a flight set up. The worst they can say is no.


Well-Known Member
As a plebe I was able to get a ride in a P3. When I went home on Christmas leave I was taken up (along with another mid from my area) in a VP-1 bird. The whole thing about not being on active duty when you dont have orders doesnt add up for me. As a mid you are considered active duty. And that includes when you are on leave. You are free to travel when on leave so it shouldnt be an issue. The biggest problem would be finding a crew to take you up. I had somewhat of a special circumstance. My father was the CO of VP-1 and went directly to the commodore to get clearance. As far as I know it wasnt an issue at all. It was deemed as "training" because we were considered active duty. We did have to go through complete flight physicals and a condensed air crew course, but it may be different if you are already cleared to fly.

Again, I was in a special circumstance, but my advice would be to try and get a flight set up. The worst they can say is no.

Maybe I'm not too bright, but I always thought ROTC stood for "RESERVE Officer Training Corps".

AFAIK, in BDCP, I was active duty, accrued time in service and leave, but ROTC Mids did not. Am I wrong?


is clara ship
Maybe I'm not too bright, but I always thought ROTC stood for "RESERVE Officer Training Corps".

AFAIK, in BDCP, I was active duty, accrued time in service and leave, but ROTC Mids did not. Am I wrong?

Also, the guy commenting (that you were quoting) was an Academy mid, who is an active duty servicemember throughout school.....just another peculiarity


New Member
NROTC midshipmen are not on active duty except for during their cruises, but isn't it different for mids from the Naval Academy? The reason I ask this is because I am under the impression that PigzFly was a Naval Academy mid based on what he wrote, but I couldn't find anything in his profile so I may be wrong.