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surgery question

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Registered User
I had a chilazian (like a sty) that got really out of control. So I had surgery twice on my lower eye lid to get rid of it. The dr. made some incisions (sp?) twice on the inside of my eye lid and one incision on the outside (got the stitches out on Fri). Does anyone think this will be a problem (NFO or SWO)? Thanks!

- spider


Registered User
Just an opinion .......If no incision was made to the eye ball you will be fine. Reason I say PRK is now being accepted if unfamiliar similar to Lasik. You hasve no problems in my EYES.........later Patrick


Registered User
I wouldn't withold any information that they could later dig up. The military can due some pretty heavy stuff leagaly if they catch it. Little things like jail time if it is serious enough. Just a thought from an older applicant.


Registered User
As for SWO, that shouldn't be any problem at all. I have had two Initial aviation physicals so far and they are very picky about eyes, however your problem was on the lid. I don't think that would matter at all. I personally would not tell them, but that is just me. I have been in the Navy for 6 years and one thing that I have learned is not to volunteer information. There is no big penalty, the worst they can do is kick you out or switch you to a different designator.
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