... however my friend who flew on one of the 4 a/c enabled with wifi said it was free. Unfortunate that they may start charging.
They are offering it for free on those 4 aircraft while they test the system to see its reliability.
Why is it unfortunate that they are going to charge for it? It cost them big bucks to install it and big bucks to provide the service after installation. Why shouldn't the consumer pay for the cost of the service that is being provided?
For the most part, airline ticket prices do not cover the cost of flying. That is why there are extra charges for what used to be provided free. The consumer balks at paying $10 more for his ticket yet will readily whip out the credit card when you tell him its extra to check his bag.
The cost of flying was risen significantly since the end of regulation when the government ensured the pax paid what it cost. Yet the ticket price when adjusted for inflation is significantly lower. Further, where about 10-15% of the ticket price went to taxes, government fees, etc. before 9/11/2001 about 30% goes there today. Until the last few years, the airlines were not able to raise the ticket prices the extra 15-20% and had to eat this.
Since the public wants Greyhound prices on airline travel, they have to accept Greyhound service.
You want all this stuff for free? Buy a first class ticket.