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Switched from August 17th to November 9th

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Registered User
Well, darn, but it had to be done.

I still need to get my commerical multi and single tickets before I get my diploma, and I just did not want to risk not getting them before August 17th - the recruiter told me that they must know a month in advance if I can't make my OCS date, so I decided to accept a later date. With the way flight training is done at ERAU, I suspect this stuff might take me two months or so.

Is there anyone else on here who got Nov 9th 2002?

I really wanted to go in August so I could get OCS done ASAP, but I guess November might not be that bad - at least the heat might be less of a pain in the arse.

Jack Szarkowski


Registered User
RC, go easy on me. :)

Yep Patmack, I'll see you there - Man, I can't wait to get this OCS stuff out of the way.

PS, did you instruct at Prescott or Daytona?? I'm in Prescott.


Registered User
I'll be in your class. I got my acceptance in January of this year. I was going to go in July but something came up. I'm hoping the heat won't be there too. See you there.


Registered User
I originally got August 17th but had to have it changed for school. Now I'm August 24th!!! Yeah one extra week!!!


Registered User
Good to meet you SmithS - I heard rumors that all classes that are there in December get 2 weeks off around x-mas. If that is true, then that means 2 OCS sessions lasting a month and a half! I can handle that. :)



Registered User
That's what I've heard about the Christmas break as well. feel free to email me at Steven_Smith@aimfunds.com if you want to b.s. I've been in the private sector for 3 years now and I can't wait to get to OCS. People say it's rough, but it's going to be fun for me. Sitting in a desk for 3 years will make anything more fun that doing that.



Registered User
SmithS, I know what you are saying. I know that if I can get selected that the school will be tough, but sitting at the desk after finishing school 3 years ago you think "man I wish I could go back to school" and being outside doing something becomes appealing, and you really start thinking about what you want to do. Makes the money not so important pretty quickly huh!


Registered User
I don't mind making less money as long as I enjoy the work and get some satisfaction out of it. Good luck on your app

Edited by - SmithS on 07/10/2002 10:11:42


Registered User
Let's not say that just yet Smith, I did get denied once already. Guess it will make for a better success story when you give the kids the "determination and goals" speech someday huh? And you are right about the money. I'm taking a 40K paycut, but I've come to terms with that and I'll be happier.


Registered User
Sure SmithS, i'll drop you an email sometime.

As for money and me, I am rather happy with the navy. A 300 hour commercial pilot has no chances what so ever of getting hired by even a low paying commuter, so the only thing I would be looking forward to if it was not for the Navy would be a 17k per year flight instructing job.



Registered User

Did you just put down SNA as your only choice on your app or did you list any others? I'm wondering if that affects your chances of getting an SNA slot, like if they see you're willing to do something else they'll just put you there, or if you just list SNA only they might think you're selfish? Just wondering if it's better to apply with SWO or NFO as other choices or just put SNA only since that's what I want the most.

good luck-


Registered User
dorf, I'm an honest man. I told them in my letter of intent that I desire to be an Aviator. I didn't put another position, because I want to be an Aviator. Now if I get in, and something happens and I'm not going to be an aviator, then I will be happy with another position in the Navy. However, I do not wish to join unless I have a shot at my desires.


Registered User
yeah, I understand. I'm pretty much in the same boat. Since college I've spent 8 hours a day geeking in front of a computer and I've decided I really don't want to spend the rest of the next 30 years doing that. The pay's good but if you dread coming to work everyday, it's just not worth it.
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