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Switching from NFO to SNA after completing PLC?


New Member
Hello all,

Before I start, let me first thank you for all the information this forum has provided me. It has been extremely beneficial to my planning and decision making.

I am current sophomore pursing a mechanical engineering degree. I recently met with my OSO for the first time and have started putting together my package for PLC combined. I had gone into the interview with the intention of applying for SNA. I have 20/70 vision so I know I need PRK to get Pilot qualified. Initially, I believed I would need to get my vision fixed before I submitted my package. However, my OSO is proposing that I submit a package for NFO, go through PLC combined and then get the PRK done before I graduate college. His mindset is that once I get pilot qualified he can get my contract switched from NFO to SNA. According to my OSO, it shouldn’t be an issue, more or less just a phone call and an “OK”. I’m concerned that switching won’t be so simple and I’ll be stuck with the contract I really wasn’t shooting for (and taking a NFO spot from someone who really wanted it). This is nothing against being a NFO, I’ve just got it hammered into my stubborn mind that I want to be a NA. His explanation is that because I will have completed PLC, am pilot qualified and have not yet incurred a commitment they would rather switch me than lose a qualified candidate. If switching is a viable option, it would be great because it would allow me to wait until I was 21 to get PRK (currently 19). I understand that this may be a little premature and that it is very possible that I could get rejected from PLC, nonetheless I’m trying to be as proactive as possible with my planning.

To try to sum things up, my main question is whether or not switching from NFO to SNA after PLC (but before college graduation) is realistic. Has anyone ever heard of or seen this done? If so, how difficult is the process? I have done quite a bit of searching on this topic, but responses seem mixed. I know that a lot of people say, “don’t apply for a job you couldn’t see yourself doing”. However, this route would be great for my situation by allowing me to get PLC completed while still allowing time to get the PRK done.

I apologize for being somewhat long-winded. Hopefully I was able to get my entire situation across, please let me know if clarification is necessary.

Thanks for your time and advice.


I'm not sure about your situation, but if that is not the case then you can always not go back to seniors if you dont get switched to SNA. Although most will tell you, if you dont want to be a Marine officer first, then you shouldn't apply at all, including me.


Professional back-seat driver
From personal experiance, either get PRK before you sign any contract, or wait until after TBS. Once the distric approves you for a contract that requires as much physical hurdles and SNFO and SNA, they will create one hell of a s@#t storm to get you to stay were you are. Additionally, any doctor will tell you to wait until at least 21, preferable longer to get the surgery. One option you may want to consider is going for PLC combined or OCC to ensure your best chances of getting that SNA slot.

Any questions PM me


New Member
Thanks for your responses,

I have no problems being a marine officer first, I believe that in itself would be a great accomplishment. In fact, I think that's a part of the reason I would like to fly for the Marine so much. I envision Marine pilots to be much more than simply pilots, the idea of having the training as a rifleman first portrays itself as a huge advantage when supporting fellow Marines on the ground. From my limited experience with the military, it seems that the Marines have the best attitude about them. It is my error if I came off as simply a kid who wants to fly, I assure you that is not the case.

Anyways, I go for my PRK examination in 2 weeks. The doc says that if the tests show that my vision is stable, I should be a good candidate for the surgery, even though I'm young. Even if the tests do turn out well, I'd still be nervous about getting the PRK done at such a young age.

I'm applying to PLC combined as we speak. However, Mustang, I agree with your opinion with regard to holding off until I'm in a position to apply straight for SNA. If the examination goes well, I think I'll hold my application, and keep working on my PT until I can get the surgery done and get pilot qualified (God willing).

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.


Registered User
From personal experiance, either get PRK before you sign any contract, or wait until after TBS. Once the distric approves you for a contract that requires as much physical hurdles and SNFO and SNA, they will create one hell of a s@#t storm to get you to stay were you are. Additionally, any doctor will tell you to wait until at least 21, preferable longer to get the surgery. One option you may want to consider is going for PLC combined or OCC to ensure your best chances of getting that SNA slot.

Any questions PM me

No....all you have to do is take the astb test and get qualifying scores, go to OCS come back for school and they'll change your contract. It's not hard cause they get slots every month for X number of SNA's. Get the PRK done after OCS if you want. I did and I switched from ground to air. However, make it clear that you will not accept your commission after OCS unless the contract goes through. Remember, they don't own you till the day you accept your commission. Half my OCS class refused theirs. The OSO is a salesman. His job is to fill slots with bodies. This is one of the few times that the ball is in your court. It doesn't matter what you sign before you go to OCS, until you sign the document accepting your commission (not the one at the end of OCS) you hold all the cards. Remember that, because after you get commissioned you will have much less influence in determining your destiny.


Professional back-seat driver
No....all you have to do is take the astb test and get qualifying scores, go to OCS come back for school and they'll change your contract. It's not hard cause they get slots every month for X number of SNA's. Get the PRK done after OCS if you want. I did and I switched from ground to air. However, make it clear that you will not accept your commission after OCS unless the contract goes through. Remember, they don't own you till the day you accept your commission. Half my OCS class refused theirs. The OSO is a salesman. His job is to fill slots with bodies. This is one of the few times that the ball is in your court. It doesn't matter what you sign before you go to OCS, until you sign the document accepting your commission (not the one at the end of OCS) you hold all the cards. Remember that, because after you get commissioned you will have much less influence in determining your destiny.
This is slightly incorrect. Alothough it may not seem like it, there is a big difference between switching from ground to SNA and SNFO to SNA, it's not simply the OSO having X number or contracts to fill, it deals more with NAMI than anyone else.


New Member
I was thinking that switching from SNFO to SNA would be easier because you would already almost be qualified. My OSO had originally recommended I go ground and switch, but I couldn't make sense of it. Now, I see where you are coming from though, once they've jumped you through the hoops in one area, they don't want to jump you through the hoops for another area.

So, am I correct in the saying that I would be better off going in as ground and switching? Is there any possibility that I wouldn't get my contract changed after I complete plc-combined, but before I actually accept my commission (assuming I get fully qualified to switch).

Why don't more candidates with passing ASTB scores go this route when they get rejected for SNA?


Registered User
i will repeat........the recruiter is a salesman, the OSO is a salesman.......if they don't make their numbers, well lets just say it's not so good on their fit-rep. the young candidate (especially one with no prior experience) doesn't know their elbow from their ass when it comes to the corps.....they just want to "serve their country" and all that. Trust me, you will get exactly what you want as long as you have the scores and the eyesight. Don't take no for an answer or you will be kicking yourself in the ass at TBS when you realize all of weight you had when you were in college compared to how little you have as a lowly lieutenant. Once you go to TBS the corps is a processing machine. They don't give a damn about your dreams and plans for the future. Their job is to make marine officers, well excuse me, provisional rifle platoon commanders