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switching from NROTC to other branch ROTC after contract..

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Registered User
is it possible to switch rotc branches after you've contracted? i.e after you entered your second year (obligation)


UO Future Pork Chop
Yeah, the Army's been trying to recruit me for the last two years...which means lots of free food and other things. Even after I told the recruiter that I'm going Navy and that the decision wasn't a matter of incentives, he wanted to 'talk to me about my decision'. I'm guessing he wants to throw more money at me.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Navy to Marine or vice-versa, simple.

Other branches, not so much. Once you've incurred an obligation under one, you're going to have you get released from it to go to another. That's why they give you the (used to be 2, now 1?) year to try it out before committing.


is clara ship
It has been done, and I personally know one guy who did it. According to him (info he gleaned from his unit advisor) this is more likely to work if the Navy doesn't end up incurring extra costs, ie if you are going from a private ($$) school to a state school the situation is in your favor. I doubt this is the whole consideration on the Navy's part, but from what his LT had said, it makes a big difference. I would also *guess* that being competitive OPMIS wise wouldn't hurt either :)

edit: disregard if you are talking about switching service branches, vice switching units


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Snake, WishiCouldFly, he's talking about NROTC, which is a whole other animal. Possible, but unlikely.


UO Future Pork Chop
Yeah, but he's talking about leaving NROTC to other branches...we're just sayin' the Army wouldn't mind having him :D


Registered User
Yes, I'm talking about swtiching from either NROTC to AFROTC or AROTC after I've gone into my sophomore year.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Wish, how much experience do you have with NROTC?

Do you know what the contract program entails?

"Just have to pay the money back"

Really? That's all? How about bringing it up with a class advisor? Getting a sponsor officer in the other service unit? Finding the proper instruction and presenting your case to the Unit Staff as well and the PNS?

I'm locking this as well. If anyone actually has FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE of an NROTC MIDSHIPMAN transferring to ANOTHER SERVICE, after GOING CONTRACT, either pm me and I will reopen the thread or directly pm your info to "chenama" the original poster.
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