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Syrian WMD





Combat Engineer
Shit could get stupid, fast. I hope the CIA/DIA has success in finding and intercepting this shit before it somehow migrates West.


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
Today also saw the first reports of fixed wing aircraft being used by the Syrian government against the rebels: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-18977899.

Interesting developments, but we all know we're spread pretty damn thin and Syria doesn't export enough oil for the Europeans to "care about human rights" there like they did in Libya.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
and Syria doesn't export enough oil for the Europeans to "care about human rights" there like they did in Libya.
That might be oversimplifying things a bit. Maybe we could enforce a NFZ via AEGIS? You know... forward... from the sea.


Apprentice School Principal
Come on Brett, Forward... From The Sea is soooo 1987; what we need is a more Cooperative Strategy for a 21st Century problem!


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
Maybe we could enforce a NFZ via AEGIS? You know... forward... from the sea.

I won't claim to be an expert on the systems involved, but I have to think it would be rather difficult to employ on a Syrian fighter over Aleppo from a warship at least a hundred miles away on the other side of a mountain range with a reasonable Pk.

Edit: Maybe Aleppo's not quite 100 miles from the Med, and Homs and Damascus might be slightly closer, but still, these aren't coastal cities by any stretch.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I won't claim to be an expert on the systems involved, but I have to think it would be rather difficult to employ on a Syrian fighter over Aleppo from a warship at least a hundred miles away on the other side of a mountain range with a reasonable Pk.

Edit: Maybe Aleppo's not quite 100 miles from the Med, and Homs and Damascus might be slightly closer, but still, these aren't coastal cities by any stretch.
It's not perfect, but it would be a pretty low-risk, low-cost way to bring some capabilities to the area if the Syrians start employing their FW aircraft in any significant way. There seems to be very little appetite for any kind of military intervention right now, but parking a couple DDGs off the coast could be a lot less escalatory than doing it with a CVN or shore-basing out of Incirlik. I reckon this is part of someone's throw-away COA slide at C6F. :)