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Taliban Leader Captured


But, but, we can't do that. They have Miranda rights! :icon_roll

Never mind that Baradar and Abdulmutallub are incomparable (I don't think the Pakistanis know Miranda) , Miranda rights aren't exactly protection from execution.


Killing insurgents with my 'messages'!!
I know, I know. Just a light joke about the Underwear Bomber guy. F-in' ridiculous, the way that has turned out thus far!


Shoot, man, it's that dang ol' internet
Not in Pakistani custody, they do things a little differently.

And, these days, that's a good thing.

Props to the Pakistanis for stepping up with this kind of thing. It has to be tough for them. I know they don't want the Taliban in Pakistan any more than we do, but the Muslim-on-Muslim violence/capturing on behalf of the "Great Satan" doesn't go over well in their neighborhood. Rock and a hard place, I suppose.


Super Moderator
I know, I know. Just a light joke about the Underwear Bomber guy. F-in' ridiculous, the way that has turned out thus far!

Well, he did talk before he was read his rights about 9 hours after he underpants reached critical mass so they did get stuff out of him, and supposedly he might be talking again.

What happened that day was by no means perfect but show me another governemnt entity that has people everywhere in this country that can interrogate someone in a rapid fashion immediately after an incident, which is often when a suspect is most talkative. The fact that they did not read him his rights at first is indicative to me that they were thinking more about the immediate threat than about what would happen at a trial, which is the right way to think.

The man will likely spend the rest of his life in jail which is better than what will likely happen with Beradar, who has a good chance of becoming a free man once again.


Super Moderator
There's a lot of support in Pakistan for the Taliban/al Queda, including in the military (especially the ISI) and to a lesser extent within the judicial system.

Exactly. Another big reason might be to cut a deal, with all the talk of Taliban reconciliation he might be considered a good example to others if he joined the Afghan government.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Another big reason might be to cut a deal, with all the talk of Taliban reconciliation he might be considered a good example to others if he joined the Afghan government.

I read one article (forget where) that discussed the possibility of Pakistan getting some level of control over parts of eastern Afghanistan as payback for increased cooperation.