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Teen Punks Slay American Hero's Dog


Well-Known Member
I really respect Mr. Luttrell, but I think he's wrapped tighter than the Virgin Mary. Don't mess with that guy...



is clara ship
I really respect Mr. Luttrell, but I think he's wrapped tighter than the Virgin Mary. Don't mess with that guy...

I dunno man, I think his response was pretty reasonable. Now Glenn Beck, he might as well be blowing him (though at least he didn't cry this time I guess)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, tough break for a guy who's already had his fair share of them. I hope the best for him hope he finds some peace...the interview makes it look like he frequently encounters some very long nights.


Well-Known Member
I really respect Mr. Luttrell, but I think he's wrapped tighter than the Virgin Mary.

I hope the best for him hope he finds some peace...the interview makes it look like he frequently encounters some very long nights.
If you were in his shoes, wouldn't you be? I mean, the only dude that survives a massive firefight with the Taliban - and is alive only because of some Afghan tribesmen... I'd be wound a bit tight, and have trouble sleeping as well... Throw in the fact that the dog was named for the guys on his team...


Well-Known Member
If you were in his shoes, wouldn't you be? I mean, the only dude that survives a massive firefight with the Taliban - and is alive only because of some Afghan tribesmen... I'd be wound a bit tight, and have trouble sleeping as well... Throw in the fact that the dog was named for the guys on his team...

Yeah...I'd say those kids were pretty lucky he didn't shoot them when he had the chance.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Anyone who willingly injures an animal for no good reason deserves what's coming to 'em. Going to eat it? Fine. It's eating your food or digging up your yard? Fine. But anyone who goes after a pet or a wild animal that hasn't done anything to them is some of the lowest scum on the face of the planet, and the law usually lets them off too easily.

That said, situation aside, he's admitting to some pretty poor headwork on national TV, and to my non-lawyer view could have been brought up on charges himself.


Registered User
He showed some extreme restraint and discipline in dealing with these pricks. All four could very easily be dead right now. Hmmm wonder how a jury trial in Texas would come out on that one.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Texas, schmexas. I'm a proud gun owner and arguably a right-wing nutjob to some. But a civilian entering into a high-speed chase on public roads, and drawing a firearm on someone not actively endangering their life? That's flat-out begging to be brought up on multiple felony charges. I don't care how many medals you have.


Registered User
Texas, schmexas. I'm a proud gun owner and arguably a right-wing nutjob to some. But a civilian entering into a high-speed chase on public roads, and drawing a firearm on someone not actively endangering their life? That's flat-out begging to be brought up on multiple felony charges. I don't care how many medals you have.

True, and me too, but they shot his dog..... in Texas....


Yankee Uniform Tango
I really respect Mr. Luttrell, but I think he's wrapped tighter than the Virgin Mary.

Come on now...

If you were in his shoes, wouldn't you be? I mean, the only dude that survives a massive firefight with the Taliban - and is alive only because of some Afghan tribesmen... I'd be wound a bit tight, and have trouble sleeping as well... Throw in the fact that the dog was named for the guys on his team...

What he said. Read "Lone Survivor" first and foremost, and then think about your poor choice of words.

Anyway...I had the pleasure of having lunch with Marcus a few months back (in a group, not one on one) and he is just a great dude - very humble, very down to earth. Since those events last year when Dasy was killed, he adopted a great lab named Rigby (as H60Gunner pointed out) and is putting all of those bad things behind him.