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Texas OCS Weekend

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Applying for OCS
What did you guys think that just went to OCS weekend? My feet got torn up on the hump. I hate blisters. Overall though I learned a ton.


Registered User
Man it was tougher than I thought it would be, but I did learn alot. I had never even been in full cammies before much less drilled. Drilling sucks. What Platoon were you in?


Applying for OCS
I was in third Platoon. Yeah that was the first real time I had done anything in boots and cammies as well. 10 weeks of that would be hell. What did you think was the hardest part? I was pretty dead by the time we got to the Cardio vascular stuff. You know the big circles where we had to drop and do push-ups and stuff. That was tough. The fartlek run was not as bad as I thought it would be.
Hey I'm going to OCS weekend next weekend. Anything you guys want to warn me about?? Do they issue you camies and boots and stuff?? I'm nervous!!! :) thanks!


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I thought the most difficult part was not having any time to do anything. Like showering and stuff like that. Also my OSO did not have us take a sleeping bag so I froze my ass off. Thus not sleeping! Oh well. All in all it was a good learning experience and i know what to work on. Drill sucks ass! My OSO hooked us up with cammies and a molly pack and everything else. I just brought some skivies and tioletries. DO NOT overpack. You carry around everything you have the WHOLE time. Take the bare essentials.


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OCS weekend

If I am going to OCC187 (hopefully), could I wait until later to go to OCS weekend? Won't they have one in September or so for OCC187 guys?


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The Texas OCS weekend is only once a year in the spring.

littledancer - (assuming by next weekend you mean the 17th and 18th) like kizer said pack light. Also, pack everything in sets - all your pt gear (shorts, socks, shirt) in one set - I put everything in ziplock bags - one bag had my socks, another my shorts, a third my shirts - and it took forever going through stuff to change. Put stuff in zip-loc freezer bags - just in sets. Bring your personal gear in a back-pack or other type of bag that won't wear you down carrying it everywhere - some people brought suit cases and they looked pretty goofy. THe SIs won't give you time to square away your gear during the day - you'll have to do that after lights out. No worries - just make sure before you hit the rack that everything is ready to jump into for the next day. The hardest challenge is time management and organization - i.e. they'll give you 5 minutes to change into pt gear, shower, clean, pack your gear and form up in your platoon.

THe SIs did a lot of yelling (I assume not near as much as OCS) - but listen to them - because in between the yelling they give you good advice on how to survive at OCS - I could tell they were there to really teach you things before you ship out.

Aside from that - have fun - if you have that attitude it won't be a problem. We had some funny moments that made the weekend.


Registered User
Pre-OCS weekend was fun! Granted, I didn't like moments, but overall I had a great time. The 'hump' was the easiest thing ever. Too bad they wont be that slow at OCS. I finally found out what all those quotes on the quote thread about 'AT&T' meant.


Pre-OCS weekend was the shizzy!!! hahaha I was in first platoon, they should re-name it pre-ocs fun weekend. no blisters, slept like a baby, mre's aren't 5 star dining but they are fine by me, firewatches are a breeze, gunnery sergants and staff sergants yelling a little perfect, crappy little army o-course was a joke. But I learned a lot, no prior military experience, but honestly some of the females I don't know if they really know the extent of the commitment they are about to take on, but you know what, if they make it through OCS, kudos for them. The rope technique, was clutch to learn. Gave me an idea on where to go with the pt. A little more uphill training with weights and i'll be golden!!! Very motivating weekend though, definately has me looking forward to OCS.


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Actually, I overheard Gunnery Sergeant Erwin saying that the hump we went on was just as fast as the ones we will do at OCS. The difference is that we will be doing much longer humps at that speed. The Texas Pre-OCS weekend was very informational and beneficial for me since I have no prior military experience and I'm not in the corps. Take care of your feet and try to find a sock combination that works with your boots before you go. Other than that, don't stress out too much and try to have fun and soak in all the info.
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