In serious response however...while this article makes some good, understandable to the public points that likely would not be pointed out in mainstream media, some of its simplifications are really over-simplifications and the chest-thumping at points smacks of ignorance.
For example....
"But of one thing we may be certain: a U.S. defeat in any war is a defeat not only for freedom, but for civilization."
Are you kidding me??? I am not one to stand up and say that we are the "evil empire", or that we are starting an new "age of imperialism" but this is ridiculous. Our actions, like those of most state actors, are predominantly realist exercizes of power to defend our national interests. We are fairer than most, certainly, in tempering our actions with codified standards of morality, protocal etc, etc...but at their heart, our actions are much like those of other nations in their motivation.
"Negotiations solve nothing until a military decision has been reached and one side recognizes a peace agreement as its only hope of survival."
Interesting...I am sure that Great Britain pursued peace in both the American Revolution and the War of 1812 because they feared for their continued survival.... Puhleeezzze. While I realize that the article refers to war in the 21st century, the author makes a patently historical point...I mean lets face it...there is no other precedent.
While it is vitally necessary that the viewpoint of conservatives and the right in general find expression and their audience to sustain the public debate, it is also vital that it be expressed cogently and without pandering to the very people it hopes to stimulate.