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The 'bomb' letter


Really old guy
I found this when I was cleaning out one of my safes...gotta make more room for my new toys.

Anyone who has been around long enough can easily imagine the mountain of paperwork required for this to happen today. The signatures alone would probably run pages. This authorization was done in 4 pargraphs, with one authorizing signature. Note how it was referred to as a 'special weapon'.


Renegade One

Well-Known Member
I found this when I was cleaning out one of my safes...gotta make more room for my new toys.
Good stuff. Reminiscent of Ike's basic task orders for OVERLORD:

"You will enter the continent of Europe and, in conjunction with the other United Nations, undertake operations aimed at the heart of Germany and the destruction of her armed forces."

The KISS principle in action...


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
Col. Tibbets' grandson was part of the head shed at an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia when I augmented there.

Callsign: NUKE


is clara ship
Pretty cool finding! My grandfather flew with Gen Spaatz back in the pre-war years. I honestly didn't know who he was until now, but his name was mentioned in a number of old stories about my grandpa. I guess he moved on to pretty important things!


Well-Known Member
The 2nd paragraph surprised me. I didn’t know that 4 targets were authorized. I was always under the impression that we would hit 1 and see how the Japanese would respond.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
The 2nd paragraph surprised me. I didn’t know that 4 targets were authorized. I was always under the impression that we would hit 1 and see how the Japanese would respond.
The Target Committee at Los Alamos on May 10-11, 1945, selected in order the following targets: Kyoto, Hiroshima, Yokohama, Kokura arsenal, Niigata, and possibly the Emperor's Palace.

"On the short list of targets for the atom bomb, in addition to Hiroshima, Kokura and Niigata, was the Japanese city of temples, Kyoto. When the expert on Japan, Professor Edwin O. Reischauer, heard this terrible news, he rushed into the office of his chief, Major Alfred MacCormack, in a department of the Army Intelligence Service. The shock caused him to burst into tears. MacCormack, a cultivated and humane New York lawyer, thereupon managed to persuade Secretary of War Stimson to reprieve Kyoto and have it crossed off the black list."

The Emperor's palace was similarly removed. Don't know how or why Nagasaki drew the short straw instead of Yokohama.


Well-Known Member
The Target Committee at Los Alamos on May 10-11, 1945, selected in order the following targets: Kyoto, Hiroshima, Yokohama, Kokura arsenal, Niigata, and possibly the Emperor's Palace.

"On the short list of targets for the atom bomb, in addition to Hiroshima, Kokura and Niigata, was the Japanese city of temples, Kyoto. When the expert on Japan, Professor Edwin O. Reischauer, heard this terrible news, he rushed into the office of his chief, Major Alfred MacCormack, in a department of the Army Intelligence Service. The shock caused him to burst into tears. MacCormack, a cultivated and humane New York lawyer, thereupon managed to persuade Secretary of War Stimson to reprieve Kyoto and have it crossed off the black list."

The Emperor's palace was similarly removed. Don't know how or why Nagasaki drew the short straw instead of Yokohama.
I think Nagasaki was the secondary target, weather over the primary.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
While we're talking about random facts concerning the atomic bombings:

LTJG Raymond Porter
ENS John Hantschel
ARM3 Normand Brisette

Three wearers of gold wings, two Naval Aviators and an Aircrewman, who perished as POWs in the bombing of Hiroshima, along with nine Army aircrewmen from a B-24.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
I think Nagasaki was the secondary target, weather over the primary.
You are correct…Kokura was the designated primary target on August 9. WX divert...

While we're talking about random facts concerning the atomic bombings:

LTJG Raymond Porter
ENS John Hantschel
ARM3 Normand Brisette

Three wearers of gold wings, two Naval Aviators and an Aircrewman, who perished as POWs in the bombing of Hiroshima, along with nine Army aircrewmen from a B-24.

Good reminder…thanks. It was a hard war. Here's hoping we don't go there again...


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
The Emperor's palace was similarly removed. Don't know how or why Nagasaki drew the short straw instead of Yokohama.

I believe that Nagasaki got the mark due to a mitsubishi shipyard that was there. I don't remember where I heard that, I've got a couple books I've read on the pacific theater.