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alpha blue

Registered User
Pretty much everybody wants to be a fighter pilot at some point in their lives I guess, but for those of you that decided to actually join up, what made the decision for you? What was the point where you decided to turn "thinking about it" into reality?


I Can Has Leadership!
Ummm....okay, but what got your mind set on the Navy?

Mom's retired Navy, and I always knew that I'd be flying in some capacity with the Navy or Marine Corps. Did a little research and figured the Navy was the best fit for me.

In the end, it comes down to actually chasing a dream. I was always told to find something you like to do and figure out how to make money doing it. Well, I did. So far, its working out pretty well.

As far as you making the decision, don't let us make it for you. I'd say go for it if a few things are true:

1. Everytime you see an airplane fly over head, you thing "Damn, I wish I were flyin that thing"

2. You sit down here wishing you were up there

3. If you've ever been up there, you were happier than a pig in sh*t that you were up there.

4. You're willing to put up with the BS that goes along with all the good times you'll have flyin in the military.

Hope it helps,


Pretty much everybody wants to be a fighter pilot at some point in their lives I guess, but for those of you that decided to actually join up, what made the decision for you? What was the point where you decided to turn "thinking about it" into reality?

I've always loved flying and have been around aviation all my life. I was fortunate enough to have 3 naval aviators in my family that kind of mentored me in the direction I should go with school and personal life if I wanted to actually fly in the navy. It wasn't until my sophomore year in college where I got serious about it and started working towards that goal (talking with recruiters and the like). Its different for everybody I think but when it came down to it I knew I wouldn't be happy unless I did my best to get it and if I didnt get it than it wasnt meant to be, but alas here I am going to OCS in a week as an SNFO. I'm just plain old ecstatic about being an officer more than anything, I think its the coolest fvcking job on the planet. Just my .02c.



Active Member
Let's see ... you could either work here ...

Or here ...

Wasn't too hard of a decision for me.


Chubby pretty much hit it on the head, it doesn't take a lot of brain to figure which is preferable. I've worked in the "real world" long enough to know I want no part of it. I mean, there's bull5h!t with every single job imaginable. The difference is that as an aviator you get to fly, also. Duh. You also have a meaningful job that exists for a purpose other than to make some guy you'd probably hate more rich than he already is.