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The Early Bird is Dead


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Prior to email and the internet, I remember when it is used to be a daily morning fax we received. All the articles were cut out of the respective newspapers and put together that way. Its kind of disappointing that it has gone away, but there are quite a few more outlets and avenues to get yours news from while in the military (both unclass and classified) to keep up with your SA. I still read through it on my last tour in, the online version, it was a convenient compilation of the military/defense related news.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
OSD and CHINFO still put out essentially the same product as the EB.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
The beauty of the EB was that the boat downloaded it in PDF for you so rivercity whatever didn't ruin your connection to the real world. Now it's gone.


My boat would donwload the NY Times Mil edition and post it on the ship's sharepoint. I'm sure a ship's C5 Officer could work out a similar function with the NY Times or one of the other sources that Brett mentioned if interest was shown.


Beech 1900 pilot's; "Fly it like you stole it"
When we flew the CVBG Admiral around he'd give me his copy when he finished, and then zzzzzzz out until we "Charled". He later told me that was the only peace and quiet he had! LOL