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The path of a Naval Aviator hopeful


New Member
Hello everyone. I'd like to first apologize if this topic is not posted in the correct section. It covers a rather broad ground.

Since this is my first post, I'll introduce myself. I am someone who has just realized over the past couple months that I want to be in the Navy...and in the air. I went through highschool with the military not even being the slightest thought in my mind. I graduated with honors with a 3.65 GPA and gigantic amounts of time spent in dramatic arts related extracurricular activities. After a short break, I began to attend my local college with a focus on theater. And now I want to leave that behind and I am applying to the US Naval Academy.

My biggest concerns now come in here. Firstly, I was not involved in any sports at all in high school. I hear that the Naval Academy will immediately turn down anyone who has not played in a varsity sport, and I'd like to know if anyone of you can confirm this. Secondly, my vision is 20/40. I've read a few posts about what is recquired to become a Naval Fighter Pilot, but there didn't seem to be any sort of straight answer. Can I have surgery done and get a waiver to get in the cockpit? I really don't want to get turned down down the road for bad vision, which is completely out of my control.(EDIT: Question basicly answered after some more browsing)

I also need a backup plan. If I don't get accepted to the Naval Academy, what should be my first step on the path to being a fighter pilot?

I'm going to try to get these questions answered by local recruiters Monday, but I'm a bit weary of them as I've gathered that they tend to bend the truth a bit to fill up needed positions.



I also need a backup plan. If I don't get accepted to the Naval Academy, what should be my first step on the path to being a fighter pilot?

There's more than one way to skin a cat.

First thing, is that if you go to the Academy, you'll start over as a freshman, if that's what you really want, go for it. Does Coastal Carolina have a ROTC unit or at least a cross-town affiliate? Also, you could look into BDCP (there's plenty on that topic) which will lead to OCS after you finish college.

Best of luck.


New Member
Unless it has been changed, when you apply to USNA they also consider you for admission to NAPS which is like a 1 year prep school for USNA. If you google for NAPS you should be able to find out all about it. The downside is that if you end up going to NAPS first you still start out as a freshman at USNA. Make sure you look into BDCP. I could kick myself in the face for not knowing about it a year ago.


Jim told me I can buy Gaydar online
like was said before there are a couple ways to get commissioned other than the academy, that being NROTC or OCS. Read around in this forum, most if not all of your questions will be answered. You're not the first to ask them, believe me. And unless you absolutely have to graduate from the Naval academy, find a school with an NROTC program or apply for BDCP or finish college as soon as you can so you can make attempts to get in the fleet ASAP. The Naval Academy is just going to put you behind time wise as you will have to start all over again. Also, if you're serious about this you will need to come to terms with the fact that if you get an air slot there's always the possibility you won't fly jets, naval academy grad or not, top of your flight school class or not. I just met a guy the other day who finished #1 out of API and didn't get his 1st choice of platform.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Finishing #1 at API has nothing to do with your platform selection.


New Member
Luckily, I'm 20 years old and on my second semester in college, so I think I still have some time to get things done. Thanks for the info guys!


New Member
try <http://www.usna.com> [the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association] ... contact them and ask about the mentoring program; also, check in with your Congressman and Senator regarding their requirements re appointments ... varsity sports not a requirement, not that it hurts ... I know that the most popular trip at the Academy is the regularly scheduled bus to the US Naval Hospital in Bethsda for corrective eye surgery ... let me know if I can help

an old fart ... Old Lemming, USNA '60


Registered User
You need to be taking calc and chem to have a good shot at USNA. I saw alot of guys that came from other schools, and not necessarily with much sports involvement. They are going to want to see you taking similar classes as a USNA plebe so I would definitely get on that. An A in calc I and chem I will go along way in front of the board. If you test out of a couple of these classes once get to USNA there is a program called VGEP that allows you to get a masters during your senior year at the academy by taking classes at Georgetown, U. Maryland, etc. All things considered you really wouldn't be that far behind alot of your peers. There are alot of prior enlisted there. My plebe summer regimental commander was 27 at the time he graduated because he spent a couple years after high school in the pro bull riding circuit. If you want it go for it. Don't let anyone talk you out of it.