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To All Naval & Marine Aviation Personnel - Katrina

Check Six

Registered User
Just been watching the news reports on the Hurricane relief efforts and wanted to post the following.

I had the privilege of working alongside a lot of US military personnel during the recent Tsunami relief efforts in Indonesia. It was an honour to work alongside a group of dedicated, hard working, humble and above all professional individuals. Watching the news segements on TV here downunder in New Zealand, about Hurricane Katrina efforts proves that this spirit is abundant in all areas of Naval, Marine Corp and Coast Guard aviation. The jobs you all are doing in this time of need are very much appreciated by those that matter, the ones you are rescuing.

For the media and politicians that want to try and imply that a few screw ups was because of racial overtones, take a good long hard look at yourselves, because you are doing a disservice to the excellent men and women of your armed forces. The Coast Guard have rescued over 9000 people, thats right, the size of a small town, thanks to their monumental efforts, and it isnt finished yet. Those crews flying 53s, 46s, H-60s, SH-60s, UH1s etc are not just an important part of the rescue effort, THEY ARE the rescue effort. Without dedicated aviators, and this includes their crew chiefs and support personnel, the death toll would be a hell of a lot higher.

Enough of my rant. Just hate the way the US politicians and media are using selective reporting to get their biased messages across instead of showing the real work that the rescuers are doing.

From someone on the other side of the world, I take my hat off to you all. I know you arent doing this for the publicity, but know that there are many thousands of people out there that are alive and safe because of your efforts. Keep up the fantastic work. :icon_zbee :icon_zbee :icon_zbee


Registered User
I completely agree with you. I've watched in awe what all these guys are doing hour after hour and day after day.
Being from another country thank you for saying such great things about our guys in uniform. Thank you also for your support.
God bless them and keep all our guys performing these rescue missions and those on the ground in your prayers. They are amazing.


DCA "Don't give up the ship"
I am on USS Bataan right now and have had the privilege of being part of the relief effort since the beginning. There really is professional group down hear from all the services and we have been working our butts off to help these people. I have opinions about the political wrangling going on, but that is for another day. Right now our only focus should be on help those who are in need. And our helo guys have done some amazing things half of witch you haven’t seen on the news. The time for evaluating will come but it should be later. I have seen a very different side of things down hear then what you see on the news, some of it better some of it worse. But I think General Honore said it best today in his comments to the press. But like I said our focus needs to be on helping not pointing fingers.