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Turkey Shoot


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
It's from Call of Duty 4, the video game...and that mission is maddening to play for anyone who's actually done any kind of MAS (or any of the other more complicated controlling).


It's not my lawn. It's OUR lawn.
The real deal... complete with awful music bed.

Not to completely go off on a tangent but this came up on the same search...nothing to do with AC-130s but fun enough.


Professional (?) Flight Instructor
It's from Call of Duty 4, the video game...and that mission is maddening to play for anyone who's actually done any kind of MAS (or any of the other more complicated controlling).

How so? In it's inaccuracies?


Damn, looked pretty realistic to me upon waking up, shoving breakfast down my gullet and running out the door.


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
I know a guy who just got the hookup of all hookups going IA to Afghanistan crewing AC-130s (if an IA can be called a hookup). The funny part is he's the continuity piece, as the AF will rotate 3 squadrons through during his 12 months BOG.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
How so? In it's inaccuracies?

As w/ many of the missions in that game, there's lots of "Shoot those guys..." but no real tactical info. I never had any problems getting through the -130 mission, and I agree it looked awesome and was fun to do, but when the spotter tells you, "Hit those guys, no, OVER THERE! Take 'em out!" That's not real helpful. How about a clock/bearing and azimuth, asshat? I know, it's canned dialog that gets recycled, but it was just one more thing that bugged me about the game.


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
That's not real helpful. How about a clock/bearing and azimuth, asshat? I know, it's canned dialog that gets recycled, but it was just one more thing that bugged me about the game.
Maybe it's the alcohol, but are you really demanding what I think you're demanding from a video game???


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Maybe it's the alcohol, but are you really demanding what I think you're demanding from a video game???

No, although there are games that do it well enough (Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault come to mind). My overall beef is that COD4 gets touted as super-realistic when it's not...in any way...at all. I read it described somewhere else as "a 12 year-old's wet dream about modern warfare."

The game looks amazing, no doubt, I just was put off by a lot of stuff (like finding just the right place to stand so I don't get killed after trying to enter a room 15 times earlier.