I agree. I think it looks like somebody whipped out their camera phone in CIC and held it up to the display. If that is what it is then the watch team seems like a top notch, no-nonsense, conscientious group of professionals (only the opposite of that)...
I'm still trying to figure out what that video is of. Is that a released Navy video or someone in Combat w/ a camera who thought Youtube would be cool?
The actual FLIR video (and not the video that's on Youtube) has been sanitized (the LAT/LONG and range has been fuzzed out), so I'm guessing this was either a briefing or something they're replaying to send back to Big Navy.
Regardless, it's not a real-time HAWKLINK video (ie the live feed) because, again, the data has been sanitized on the screen and not on the video from the camera.