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So I retired @20yrs ActiveDuty, but since 911 have been seeking a way back...but my "Retired" status seems to be a brick wall. Does anybody know how a person could "Un-retire".
My son came back from drill & said there was a "Designator" there that said I should be able to get in Reserves, go AT & augment or activate.
Got my hopes up again.
Anybody heard of this being accomplished?


STA-21 FY08 College Dude
I work at a TAR squadron and we have drillers there, I know we had one guy that was retired that came to work but he didn't get paid. I am not sure if thats something you could do or wanted to do but I think the option is there.


Well-Known Member
There was a LtCol at Lejeune that retired at 20, and was a school teacher until September 11th. Now he's a reservist on ADSW. I don't know if the Navy has them, but the Marine Corps has "Prior Service Recruiters" and they would be the ones able to answer this question...


Well-Known Member
It's a waste of great resources that they don't do this more in critical career fields.
The USAF does have some "reserve retirees", including active pilots. A former student of mine retired, and came back on as a T-38 IP for about 5 days a month at Vance. For those 5 days, he gets full active duty pay. For the other 25 days per month, he gets his retiree pay.
We have an O-6 here at Beale that's a reserve retiree, too.