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US Conspiracy vs. Venezuela


I Can Has Leadership!
Venezuela Claims US Conspiracy

This is interesting and kinda scary. What could Venezuela hope to gain from accusing the US, Spain and the rest of NATO of "making plans to invade Venezuela".

Sure, they've got oil, and I'm sure no one is even thinking about starting a war.

Anyways, does anyone have any more insight into recent US-Venezuelan relations or history on Chavez's ideaology... and what this could possibly do to any US interests in Central and South America?


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
He's probably playing to a domestic audience, the same way Kim jong Il and the Ayatollahs demonize us to keep their own populations from realizing what $#!*birds they are. Chavez is in league with Castro and is a certified nutball. 'nuff said.


New Member
Chavez is Castro-style anti-US leftist...we can probably maintain OK relations w/ Venezuela if we wanted to...just let him rant..but the Bush team (following their forieign policy) will most likely antagonize him in a tit-for-tat game. Venezuela is important to us. I hope we play it right.


Professional Javelin Catcher
1. Chavez is an idiot.

2. Canada has more oil (2nd to the Saudis), and we're already friends with them; so he can go p!ss up a rope.

3. We don't want his third world banana republic and its problems. Mexico has lots of oil too, but you don't see us standing in line to take over there either.

I'm in the business to know, and to quote Forrest Gump "that's all I've got to say about that."