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US Habeus Corpus???



So yes...this article has a liberal bias...but beyond that, it does raise some interesting questions. Besides Garrison Keilor is a riot. Are we doing what we should be doing to protect ourselves, or is this too much? What does this do to our citizens travelling abroad? I am certain that were a US citizen held under these circumstances that the State Department would be screaming to the hills.

Its not that I've made up my mind here...but real citizenship demands that we talk about these issues.

Here is the bill the article refers to.


Well-Known Member
Scoob..looks like the article is only available to "members"...don't really feel like signing up for the CT right now. wanna cut and paste it or something?


I'm not a member...works for me...scroll down.

If you guys can't access it, let me know and I will copy and paste.


On the homepage look at the left hand column and about halfway down click on opinion.

Now on the right hand column you will see pics of the editorial crew. Click on the article below Garrison Keilor.

For some reason it does not let you link directly to it, but you can get to it this way.

Not sure about the legality of posting the entire document on Airwarriors.com


Well-Known Member
disturbing article. I wonder if we've already witnessed the pinnacle of American prosperity and standing in the world? This bubble isn't going to last forever (especially with the attitude behind such bills)...what goes around comes around.


Pretty much invincible
Actually, Keillor's wrong on one point; the text of the bill doesn't require that an enemy combatant be a foreign national. The original version had it that way, but the "compromise" version added provisions for the president or secretary of defense to declare anyone an enemy combatant. But he's right about the habeas corpus thing.