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Use of AF One for 90-mile flight to Richmond (Va)

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Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Is anyone else bleeding from the ears that AF One (at ~ $185,000/hr.) was used for BO's recent trip to Richmond, VA? Marine One could have been taken at about 10% of the cost, gotten him there faster and avoided changing planes at Andrews. Since I'm a techno-retard, I cannot link the articles about this, but they are easily Googleable & easy to find. If this is considered too much raw-meat, just freeze the thread, eminent Boardhosts.


Well-Known Member
It could be as simple as Marine One was down for MX...
Umm, that doesn't happen. Drop a presidential frag for mx? I'm pretty sure the MO would get shitcanned for that.

Other than that, there's really no need to discuss it. It happened. We can't change it. Getting mad about it doesn't do anything.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I should think the resources that AF One has mobile White House wise such as comms, security, etc make it a better choice than Marine One. Heck, maybe there was some kind of threat or weather that made it a better choice. My question is, was going to Richmond worth an AF One trip if that was the aircraft to be used, not should AF One have been used for a trip to Richmond.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Ok, how about him flying his personal barber from CHicago to DC every 10 days to 2 weeks on the government dime?
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If it were true, it would be silly and wasteful, but none of the stories I've read, even the ones from the right wing sites, are able to say who pays for the barber. I know the conservatives want it to be true (and insinuate as much), but they're rather short on evidence. Perhaps you have something more definitive on the matter?

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Just what I heard on the local Hawaii TV news tonight, and it was the first I'd even heard of any of it.

But even if it's not true, his arrogance shows in so many ways. He acts like the "elite" he's always condeming.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
I don't think the President has a lot of leeway on how he gets from one place to another. It's not like he wakes up in the morning and says, "Let's go to Richmond...fuel up my jumbo jet, because fuck the citizens!" Between Defense and Secret Service requirements for security, comms, and the like - requriements that aren't his call - how else is he supposed to get there? A VH-3 isn't that big or capable, and part of the VH-71 project was to make a helo capable of longer-haul trips...you saw how that worked out.

Witness the recent attempt to manufacture outrage when it was reported that SecDef flies home to Cali on an AF jet...that's how he's required to travel.


Well-Known Member
"even if I can't prove it, my previously held ideas are obviously true. Just *look* at the guy."
First - provide a source for your quote, if no source - then don't suggest someone on here said it. Second - consider this a warning, your statement with emphasis on "look" is likely offensive to most.

I don't think the President has a lot of leeway on how he gets from one place to another. It's not like he wakes up in the morning and says, "Let's go to Richmond...fuel up my jumbo jet, because fuck the citizens!" Between Defense and Secret Service requirements for security, comms, and the like - requriements that aren't his call - how else is he supposed to get there? A VH-3 isn't that big or capable, and part of the VH-71 project was to make a helo capable of longer-haul trips...you saw how that worked out.
Uncle Fester is correct. How the President travels to various venues is not up to him.

This thread has the potential to take a bad turn - so I'll just cover all the anger-inducing poo-flinging right now.

Democrats are socialists/marxists/hippies. Republicans are racists/facists/greedy. Tax breaks for the wealthy! Tax the wealthy! Guns are good! Guns are bad! Bush is the worst president in history. Obama is the worst president in history. Republicans are blocking Obama's efforts. Democrats are blocking common sense ideas from the Republicans. Bush stole the election in Florida. Obama is trying to let illegitimate voters vote for him. Democrats hate business. Republicans hate the poor. Democrats hate America. Republicans hate children. It's a penalty, not a tax. It's a tax, not a penalty. CNN/The New York Times is unbiased. FoxNews/The Washington Times is unbiased. It's Bush's fault. It's Obama's fault.

I think I covered just about every talking point I have heard in the last year or so. I'm getting tired of it. There's reasons we have secret ballots in this country, and there's also reasons why we don't discusss sex/politics/religion in the wardroom. And in case you all forgot, this website's policy is to adhere to wardroom rules.

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