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What are my odds of getting an SNA slot and what is selection like (OCS)?

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New Member
Hello All

I've got some questions about the pilot selection board. I'm a 2nd-year student (junior by credits) at Embry-Riddle, majoring in Aerospace Engineering with a GPA of 3.8. I've never taken the real ASTB but I've taken a few practice tests. I'm generally pretty good at tests (I got 1530 on my SAT) and I usually make maybe a single mistake in each section. The practice tests in my study books and online don't give me a score, just the percentage of questions I got right back. I'm guessing my ASTB scores are probably high but I'm not a 100% sure. I have a PPL and I'm getting my IFR this summer (I currently have 41 total flight hours).

However, I don't have any extracurriculars and I'm not sure if that could screw me over. I went through the medical requirements with my doctor and I met all of the requirements my doctor could test me for. I also meet the citizenship requirements and don't have a criminal record.

What are my odds of getting a SNA slot and is there anything I should be worried about? I'm pretty sure I'm kinda solid but I don't know too much about the process so I'd thought I'd get a second opinion from someone who's done this before.

I tried contacting a recruiter about details and they told me to get back to them when I'm a 3rd-year student.

I couldn't find the rules of this site so I'm not sure if this is against the rules. I know some college admission subreddits don't allow asking about personalized admission odds. Please let me know if I'm violating any rules.


Making Recruiting Great Again
couldn't find the rules of this site so I'm not sure if this is against the rules

Unofficially, the “new guy/gal” posts are discouraged since they’re asked and answered in detail. Take the 1-2 minutes to search and find your answer.

Similar advice for follow on questions or anything else on your mind.
Long story short, the main factor of getting selected is your ASTB score. They'd be more likely to accept someone with a 3.0, an 8/8/8, and zero flight hours than someone with a 4.0, 5/5/5, and 1,000 flight hours.

There's a thread here on how to prepare for the ASTB id recommend checking out. It'll answer all your questions regarding the ASTB, and if not then that's the place to ask them. As someone who got a 9/9/9, buy a stick and throttle and practice the ASTB sim daily. Also an Embry-Riddle grad and recommended talking to the NROTC about taking the ASTB with them. Saves you from an hour drive in Jacksonville rush hour traffic which will mentally drain you before you start the exam.

Good luck!

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Welcome. Your questions (and more) are answered in the relevant sub-sections, especially the stickied threads. Spend some time reading up. Good luck to you.
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