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What are the odds?


New Member
What are the odds of gaining a commission after you graduate from college?

To give a little background information: I am 19 years old and I am a sophomore in college. I will be a junior at the end of this semester, my major is Computer Information Systems. My GPA as of right now is 3.0.

How likely or unlikely is it? Im not really looking for specific numbers or anything I just wanted to see what you all think. Thanks for all of your help!


Professional back-seat driver
Whoa, you need to do some research before you ask such and open-ended question. And if you want any kind of response, you need to give some info about who you are, what your looking for and some stats (i.e. GPA, age, etc...)


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Do a search for BDCP on the site. It's probably right up your alley. Also, if your school has a NROTC unit, there's a chance you might (might) have a shot at college program. But for now, I'd seriously look at BDCP if you're truly interested.