Does enlisted Intel experience boost BDCP package
I've decided to defer my studies for a semester and enlisting in the Navy reserves as an IS (9 wk Boot camp+'A' school), MEPS scheduled for next Mon. One question, if I intend to apply to BDCP for an intel slot in the next couple of years, will my IS experience boost my package, or will it hinder it instead (Will they want someone with others skills such as a prior CT or even MA so they don't end up 're-training' me after OCS) Any advice will be appreciated!
I've decided to defer my studies for a semester and enlisting in the Navy reserves as an IS (9 wk Boot camp+'A' school), MEPS scheduled for next Mon. One question, if I intend to apply to BDCP for an intel slot in the next couple of years, will my IS experience boost my package, or will it hinder it instead (Will they want someone with others skills such as a prior CT or even MA so they don't end up 're-training' me after OCS) Any advice will be appreciated!