Also, HueyCaptain don't you think the websites you used to show CNN's bias were in themselves biased?
Of course every website out there that would comment on the topic one way or another is going to have some sort of intrinsic bias.
To find those articles, I just googled "CNN bias" and found a few stories, then I searched around on some political websites I know of to find a few more, and actually there were a few that I had read before that I couldn't find (in a reasonable period of time). For example, I read an article last summer talking about how CNN had only talked about the mass graves 4 or 5 times, while they had over 60+ segments on Abu Ghraib. I think that is a pretty clear cut indication of CNN's bias. Maybe not politically (ie: left or right wing), but when a story about humiliation beats out stories about hundreds of thousands of dead people, you have to question their motives to some extent.
Further, some of those articles WERE objective (vice subjective as you claim). For example, the article showing how in the past CNN stated 5.6% unemployment was "low" and now they state it as being "high." I suppose a case could be made for the reasoning behind the disparity here, and your own individual point of view could lead you to different conclusions regarding the source and intention of said disparity; however none of the websites I found decided to argue that that disparity was actually an example of CNN's conservative bias.
In any event, I guess bias itself is subjective, so it is difficult to successfully point out bias, without an article being biased to some extent in and of itself.
That's deep...
Oh well, a picture is worth a thousand words:
//threadjack off