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Where to retire on your military pension?


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
Don't forget SOCAL. In some ways they are worse off than AZ and NV. Many years ago after a drought CA AZ and NV got together to plan water use for the future. Only AZ and NV took legislative and regulatory action based on those meetings. Sacramento, being in NOCAL, and, well, being the CA assembly, did nothing. That is in part why you see bans on certain water use in CA and not AZ and NV. It isn't because they are taking it more serious than NV. It is because it is more serious.

I’m confused. I’m fairly certain water use enforcement is significant in all those states. Like water cops in Nevada significant.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Yeah unless you're a retired 30 year MCPO/SCPO/CAPT who never got another job, trying to stretch every dollar with those bennies just doesn't track to me. Even a modest gig after retirement to supplement income would set people up well. The days of just doing 20 and sitting on a beach are long gone, unless you move to the Philippines.

Are all those rentals in NV? If not, some states might tax that as income generated in their state and hit you for state taxes. Granted, you'd be showing a paper loss with deprecation, maybe, but I'm not smart enough on that stuff yet. Also, AZ/NV scares me for water availability long term, but that's another thing entirely.
Depends… though I’m a bit unique. The O6 over 35 years AD with zero mouths to feed or college funds to pay for means any post Navy employment for me is strictly recreational… hence the winemaking emphasis in my future. ?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Yeah unless you're a retired 30 year MCPO/SCPO/CAPT who never got another job, trying to stretch every dollar with those bennies just doesn't track to me. Even a modest gig after retirement to supplement income would set people up well. The days of just doing 20 and sitting on a beach are long gone, unless you move to the Philippines.

Are all those rentals in NV? If not, some states might tax that as income generated in their state and hit you for state taxes. Granted, you'd be showing a paper loss with deprecation, maybe, but I'm not smart enough on that stuff yet. Also, AZ/NV scares me for water availability long term, but that's another thing entirely.
Also depends on where in NV. Vegas may be an issue, Reno area, not so much. Snowmelt from the Sierra/Truckee river has been pretty consistent as a water source.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I’m confused. I’m fairly certain water use enforcement is significant in all those states. Like water cops in Nevada significant.
I don't believe so in NV. Absolutely not anywhere in AZ. It isn't because we are not in drought. It is because water use planning on a macro has been around for many years. Developers have to prove the water supply can support the plan.
We have more appropriate landscaping, wide use of grey water, changes in agriculture and education. School kids are taught to not run water when brushing teeth or filling a cup with water for a sip and dumping it. Cotton used to be the largest crop in the state. Rare to see it now because it is a water hog. CA has not been so proactive so now you can't wash a car or water your lawn whenever you wish. AZ may get there. But we are not there yet. And if CA wants more AZ water because they were unprepared...well I think there is a nursery rhyme about that.


Super Moderator
Don't forget SOCAL. In some ways they are worse off than AZ and NV. Many years ago after a drought CA AZ and NV got together to plan water use for the future. Only AZ and NV took legislative and regulatory action based on those meetings. Sacramento, being in NOCAL, and, well, being the CA assembly, did nothing. That is in part why you see bans on certain water use in CA and not AZ and NV. It isn't because they are taking it more serious than NV. It is because it is more serious.

Except for maybe San Diego, though it costs them they seem to have a much more reliable supply than others in the region.


Cereal Killer
Expat life? I know a good amount of guys who have gone overseas and never looked back. Depending on where you go you can live like an absolute king.

I know a few who are doing the full time cruising sailboat thing as well. That's the plan for my wife and I- we don't have/don't want kids so A 20ish year O-5 retirement will definitely give us that.


Cereal Killer
I see you have no experience with a cruising sailboat.

I'm kidding...kind of.

Oh everything on them breaks down constantly, but I'm not too worried about it. I've got plenty of sailing experience, and I worked at a marina for 6 years before the military doing everything from teaching sailing to rebuilding engines and doing major fiberglass repairs, to repairing sails.

I lived aboard a Pearson 36 for about a year and some change after college.

So I'm confident that the wife and I can do the cruising thing in our 40s and 50s. We've got plenty of friends to bring along for ocean passages. Our initial plan is for 3 years and then reassess.


Cereal Killer
Friends with ammo? We were down range when this happened. Your chance to meet Seal Team Six some day. ?

Why anyone would sail anywhere west of the Seychelles is beyond me. Go south, then take the southern route to Zanzibar if you really want to go. But sailing anywhere near East Africa is a dice roll I'm not willing to take.


Well-Known Member
Why anyone would sail anywhere west of the Seychelles is beyond me. Go south, then take the southern route to Zanzibar if you really want to go. But sailing anywhere near East Africa is a dice roll I'm not willing to take.
Dangerous waters

We got on top and watched the pirate craft tow the sailboat toward the pirate mother ship. We let them see us, thinking maybe that’d influence them somehow. It didn’t.


Internet killed the television star
Why anyone would sail anywhere west of the Seychelles is beyond me. Go south, then take the southern route to Zanzibar if you really want to go. But sailing anywhere near East Africa is a dice roll I'm not willing to take.
Was in that area in 2011 when piracy was at its peak. Shit was nuts.

Randy Daytona

Cold War Relic
Super Moderator
They all have military health care facilities but I’d have to dump AK (the sunlight thing weirds me out) FL (humidity and alligators), and SD (just because), and probably TN (because the MMF is really in Kentucky). I lived in NH and liked it, but my wife hates it for no logical reason. That leaves me Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. Or just pay the state taxes! California would be nice, but I’d need a lottery win.
I had always planned and wanted to return home to South Carolina and build a home on Lake Marion (The Lowcountry, one of the 50 largest lakes in the US.). Humid air like hot soup is the trade I will make for no snow - also a few critters swimming around can make life interesting - but I’m guessing in retirement we will eventually move to be near the kids wherever they settle down.
