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Pursuing a career in law or SNA

Hello Members,
A little bit about myself I am 25 years and and am interested and I am heavily considering going down the SNA pathway. I have taken the ASTB and on my first attempt I scored 44/5/6/7. I asked my recruiter if I should retake it and aim for something higher and he said that I should be okay and worst case scenario I can retake it and apply to the next board with a higher score. I graduated from UCLA with a 3.44 GPA and planed on going into law school and I have already taken my LSAT exam last month and scored pretty well on it enough to land me in I'm estimating into a top 25-30 law school. I have read other discussion threads on here and have seen the finance vs SNA debate and it provided me a lot of context and information. However, I have not seen one regarding law. My questions were

1.) If there is anyone here who has been in the same situation and decided on going down the SNA route and how do you feel about your decision currently?
2.) Since I am 25 and expecting a 10-12 year commitment is pursuing a career in law realistic afterwards ?

I would appreciate any advice or pointing me in the direction on where I can find such answers
Thank You !


“Technique only”
Your ASTB scores are on the low end of things. I would try to improve your scores and re-take the ASTB if Naval Aviation is a goal. There -may- be opportunities during your time in the Navy to pursue a master’s degree or a law degree on your own time and potentially the Navy’s dime, or you could potentially laterally transfer into the JAG Corps at some point (although I’ll let others speak to those specifics).

I knew a guy who finished his law degree on the side while he was in his early years of being a Pilot. Absolute mad man. Another dude went to law school after his commitment on the GI Bill benefits. There are many ways to potentially achieve this goal.

Good luck!

Average Monke

A primate with internet access
So I am current SNA applicant who is working in finance. Nothing is for certain yet, but I am confidently committed to SNA. I'm not sure I can offer any insight that you haven't already considered, but yes, it's possible to do both. However, only one path is age restricted.

I agree with sevenhelmet. If you want to pursue SNA, I highly recommend you retake the ASTB. Use this thread to study and you are very likely to increase your scores. A new program is set also expected to take effect next SNA/SNFO board in which applicants that meet a certain criteria will be auto-selected, skipping the board process entirely. See the attachment below for details.

Current/historical applicant data is viewable here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...gy1N6-V26X_gGOY8z9uxRA8i0/edit#gid=1471806922


  • PA-106_OCS_Pilot_and_NFO_Nov-2023.pdf
    303.4 KB · Views: 5


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
One of my squadronmates did exactly that. He did his aviation commitment and is now a post-Navy lawyer. There are programs in the Navy that will allow you to become a Navy lawyer called LEP, but if you go aviation, you'll need to complete your Min Service Requirement (MSR) before the detailer will let you out of aviation.


Making Recruiting Great Again
Hello Members,
A little bit about myself I am 25 years and and am interested and I am heavily considering going down the SNA pathway. I have taken the ASTB and on my first attempt I scored 44/5/6/7. I asked my recruiter if I should retake it and aim for something higher and he said that I should be okay and worst case scenario I can retake it and apply to the next board with a higher score. I graduated from UCLA with a 3.44 GPA and planed on going into law school and I have already taken my LSAT exam last month and scored pretty well on it enough to land me in I'm estimating into a top 25-30 law school. I have read other discussion threads on here and have seen the finance vs SNA debate and it provided me a lot of context and information. However, I have not seen one regarding law. My questions were

1.) If there is anyone here who has been in the same situation and decided on going down the SNA route and how do you feel about your decision currently?
2.) Since I am 25 and expecting a 10-12 year commitment is pursuing a career in law realistic afterwards ?

I would appreciate any advice or pointing me in the direction on where I can find such answers
Thank You !

Short answer: You do you, man.

These “should I be a doctor/lawyer/Wall Street broker / etc. or be a pilot” questions get posted almost regularly here. Do a quick search and you’ll see you’re not the first person ever in this situation.

Concerning ASTB, you either are at or barely meet the mins. Study up and improve your scores.


Well-Known Member
Have you taken private pilot ground school?
If not, why not?

Have you taken flying lessons?
If not, why not?


Well-Known Member
Look, if you want to threadjack this into just crazy shit that happened in jag episodes, I’m very down. Spy plane over north Korea? Russian half brother? All very relevant to op’s original question.

Op - this was inevitable. Easy - go fly, figure out lawyer stuff later.