SWO Selectee
Some boards got their results in 10 days, so I'm holding out hope it's later this week and we'll get results and we all get accepted.
where did you see it? can please send it to us?SWO at board list has been sent out and I'm on it. Good luck to everyone, hope we all make it!
I asked my recruiter to see if I was at the board. If you're a civilian, ask your recruiter. If you're active duty, idk what to tell you but call up an officer recruiter and see if they'll tell you.where did you see it? can please send it to us?
Congrats!!! Did you get your OCS date?I got accepted today! Let’s goo
Immediate select or are you going through the regular board? And congratulations!I got accepted today! Let’s goo
Not yet my recruiter said possibly sometime in May. But he told me one guy had 3 days to get ready and leaveCongrats!!! Did you get your OCS date?
Regular board! 2.98 GPA and 58 OAR, I’m pretty sure if you have a better GPA than me you’ll get picked upImmediate select or are you going through the regular board? And congratulations!
No civilian. My recruiter chief smith called me about 30 mins ago saying he got an email saying me and 3 other guys got selectedCongrats man, are you active duty? How did you found out? Asking just for some of us