....While thats any easy card to play, remember they are doing it between two very solid concrete walls.
I don't know whether or not it's an"easy card to play" as that's what HE said ... and I would suppose he knows whereof HE speaks. He certainly knows a hell of a lot more about racing cars than I ... and I would assume much more than YOU, as well.

For me -- I can tell you that your "concrete walls" are chump change compared to rolling onto your back and entering a 500 KIAS 60 degree visual dive w/18 Mk82's hangin' on the wings --- w/ a bunch of Gomers taking severe AAA umbrage at what you're preparing to do to them.
For that matter -- your "walls" are chump change compared to landing on USS BOAT at night ....
Or bringing a 630,000# 747 safely onto the wet and X-wind slammed runway 13 @ KaiTak compliments of Typhoon "X" that's just been chasin' your ass across the South China Sea for the past few hours ....
Want more?? There's LOTs more ...
Racing cars?? It's fun ... and sometimes exhilarating if it's anything akin to racing boats.
But please ... racing boats OR cars is chump change compared to flyin' low, fast, hard, or just GOOD, for that matter.
I guess it's reality check time for someone.